Divination Joyoboyo "Jaman Edan"
mbah subowo bin sukaris
industrial revolution in the world in the 18th place in the UK has
changed the world entered "the age range of wacky" (jaman edan, jaman
gendeng), as predicted by King of Kediri, Sri Aji Joyoboyo in the
eleventh century AD. Steam engine, electricity, cars, planes and so
started successfully found the human race. All the machines were capable
of moving themselves and producing power-mad crazy knows no fatigue.
Advances in technology since the 18th century can not be stopped a peak
in the 1980s personal computers began to be developed in the United
States, for continuous development of the micro processor to produce a
variety of practical mini devices include mobile phones and portable
computers. Another advancement in the field of the top guns in the form
of nuclear missile, missile that can reach a distance of half the planet
Earth. The progress of space technology is the successful landing of
humans spacecraft on Mars and the success of humans set foot on the
Wacky era consists of parts that are
like two sides of a coin, one side that is remarkable era, modern times
and the other side is crazy era (jaman edan). Human straddle jump and
act crazy to watch in the tv on the stage with great benefits, on the
other hand the sponsors from big companies pay all that wacky-wacky it
in exchange for advertising for the products they produce for the
purchase of many people.
Extraordinary era or modern times that
lead to progress in the field of communication is cell phones,
everywhere people talk alone, laughed alone, and sometimes cried alone
but on the other end does not sound replication of the cellular phone is
to talk to.
Interstate warfare, the rampant pursuit of
terrorists or fighters and a variety of increasingly bizarre crimes
only: get rid of the baby, mutilation, drunk narcotics and addictive
substances, and so forth. Also how to dress the men wear jewelry such as
women wear earrings, or women wearing men's trousers and so on. Also
thanks to the emancipation of women now have managed to occupy high
positions in all fields so that the shifting role of the man who lead
the lost opportunities in the world of work.
Advances in technology at some point will
reach the point of satiety, as Marx predict, "capitalism is digging his
own grave hole." To stave off the destruction of the solution is
typically used for industrial pop world war weapons to look alive again.
For now the United States created the terrorist leader and then became
the target prey, all of that for the sake of development of capital
continue to prime their own wheels.
Since the first socialist country in the
world of the Soviet Union stood by the October Revolution of 1917, the
capitalist countries secretly cooperate with Hitler's fascist Germany to
stem the progress of the Soviet Union. The failure of Germany in the
second world war resulted in the United States to attack Russia beat
Germany turned to the Soviet Union together. And in turn the United
States and its allies campaigned to eliminate the first socialist
country in the world of the cold war. Soviet Union splintered apart into
independent republics.
All of that took place thanks to technological advances extraordinary weapon in the days of wonderful (crazy).
Changes in patterns of thinking and
behaving human beings continue to experience growth and on one side of
the dominant role of religion stem the strange behavior and crazy, and
on the other hand humans are faced with temptation or need for luxury
items of industrial products such as luxury cars, luxury clothes,
expensive communications equipment and so on, and all it needs funds to
buy it.
The Buddha said, "everything in the form of valuables or wealth is the source of human suffering in the world."
wolak-waliking jaman, amenangi jaman edan, ora edan ora kumanan, sing
waras padha nggagas, wong tani padha ditaleni, wong dora padha ura-ura,
beja-bejane sing lali, isih beja kang eling lan waspadha," said
Joyoboyo. So the people crowded the bandwagon to do something wacky like
corrupt the state money to participate gets to enjoy the wealth and
power and women.
In the archipelago of the employees in the New Order perform a variety of large-scale corruption that resulted trilyader from some people archipelago,
and also produced the poor in the number of millions of people. Though
the archipelago's natural wealth is not limited in number and should be
able to make hundreds of millions of people live gemah ripah loh jinawi.
What happened next caused an economist of the New Order of the mounting
national debt that must be paid up to seventy-derived offspring.
Furthermore in the reform era that began
in the New Order collapsed in the legislature that honored a fight
broke out mouth and limb among fellow members of the council itself.
They are paid with public money one of them to show polite behavior.
For solutions to end the ridiculous era
that the King Joyoboyo mention "notonogoro" which could mean a wide
range, and one of them, among others, "rather than re-arrange all the
chaos in the days of crazy." Anyone who is able to re-arrange the peak
is wacky era massive eruption of chaos in the human world and the
universe universe universe. And then the "notonogoro" create a new
atmosphere for terbentukkan new world order and led the Archipelago
enters "new era".
Notonegoro in the sense that others are
abbreviations or partial name syllable big kings that would reign in the
new era. And that means not applicable in countries other than the
royal-shaped archipelago, as an example of a republic is not currently
any relevance at all with it.
Indonesian Communist Party shattered overnight, even without one United States troops here appear to intervene directly. In Vietnam there at the same time U.S. forces had more than half a million troops to work hard to intervene directly in people eradicate the communist Vietcong. American business is not too successfully overcome the Vietnamese tunnel rat that famous. Not just with military force, also parachuted into the battle field Vietnam all kinds of modern weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons are intended to eradicate all humans communist Vietnam. United States military forces failed to face the communist troops vietnam, because people are superior to the communist Vietnamese -- Bung Karno's people communist Indonesia are still was awakened by the character of the nation. Uncle Ho or Ho Chi Minh more successfully build character and nation of the people of Vietnam. Uncle Ho received help from neighbors familiar People's Republic of China is commanded by Comrade Mao Dong Dze is famous in China led the Red Army managed to defeat the forces of Chiang Kaishek, Kuomintang support of the United States.
Marcopolo Italian explorers left mainland China in 1292 after living so many years of bringing amazing world news for the continent of Europe. Two hundred years later in 1492 the Italians Christophorus Columbus also landed on the continent of North American Indian nations and preach that the world is round, a round ball.
White Europeans known to be very diligent and tenacious work like black ants, and always drink cow's milk in infancy. They became restless and prepare yourself with a small screen ships nimble and quick so knowing there is news of another major world full of adventure challenge. For years they need to design an armed ship to sail the oceans to find new worlds in search of new raw materials, and the spices from the source directly in the middle east or elsewhere in the world.
Divination Sri Aji Joyoboyo second, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi" has proven true since it was first voiced two hundred years ago counted since Marco Polo arrived in China coincided with the founding of Majapahit.
Majapahit stood in 1293 at the same time that Europeans began to modernize their ships with the help of people like Marco Polo returning from the Orient, especially China with a great story and apply new technological advances in Europe.
Majapahit Kingdom and continental Europe competed to build greatness each with ships are ready to fight in the middle of the ocean, Majapahit was behind the earth rather than continental Europe or America. Later the Europeans managed to enter the territory of Majapahit Nusantara unnecessary fighting the great power of Majapahit as is experiencing internal conflicts that destroy self-paregreg in the war. Strength Southern hemisphere superpower on earth is totally destroyed so that no nation had the chance to deal with whites who came to invade the world.
Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Majapahit supplanted by Islam that does not have a strong navy Majapahit, but they have an army that is not less powerful to that of Majapahit. They came together by the strength of Islam everywhere who stand ready to face the Christian European nations with armed warships difficult conquered everywhere. Who was more superior in the fight? Conflict crusade in Europe and the border with Asia moving into a new world, South Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia and East Asia. China sent troops into southern waters (Nan Yang) is not so strong to help the small kingdoms in the archipelago withstand flash floods European ships. China even play a role in eroding the power of Majapahit so no shield in southern waters are well respected in the past. The strength of China is more focused on maintaining security in the Northern hemisphere. So it is not able to fill the void left Majapahit.
Pope Leo X stifling dissension among the Europeans with Christians gaining new areas in other parts of the world, has become a liability of the Pope to reconcile it with the issue Jus Patronatus or Padroado in 1514. Spain ge sailed to West and Portuguese get sailed to the East.
Two opposing forces Christians who sailed in this direction eventually completely surrounds the world and clashed on the islands of the Philippines, Spain survive in the islands, the Portuguese was thrown into East Timor. Both of them attempt to monitor and keep "wait and see" islands of Maluku spice such as nutmeg, cajuputi oil, and clove.
Meanwhile, there is an other European nations, most industrious "semut ireng": the sea to become land and have milk-producing cows most in the Friesland area, and drank more milk than other nations namely the Dutch. Cornellis de Houtman landed in Batavia or Sunda Kelapa in 1596. The nation's most industrious and orderly administration managed to master the archipelago with the conquering Islamic empire and the remnants of the Majapahit kingdom fractions: Makassar, Kalimantan, Aceh, Bali, Papua and Nusa Tenggara. This is the arrival of foreign nations that have been predicted by Sri Aji Joyoboyo hundred years earlier, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi."
The Dutch controlled the archipelago during the last three hundred fifty years, and coincided with the arrival of displaced Joyoboyo forecast fourth, "Kejajah saumur jagung karo wong cebol kepalang" aka the Japanese.
Ramalan Joyoboyo "jaman edan"
Revolusi industri pertama kali di dunia pada akhir abad 18 (1700-an) berlangsung di Inggris telah mengubah dunia memasuki kurun jaman edan, sebagaimana diramalkan oleh Raja Kediri, Sri Aji Joyoboyo pada abad kesebelas sesudah masehi. Mesin uap, tenaga listrik, mobil, pesawat dan sebagainya mulai berhasil ditemukan umat manusia. Semua mesin-mesin itu mampu bergerak sendiri dan menghasilkan tenaga segila-gilanya tak mengenal lelah. Kemajuan teknologi sejak abad 18 itu tak dapat terbendung lagi yang puncaknya pada 1980-an komputer pribadi mulai dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat, pengembangan terus-menerus prosesor mikro menghasilkan berbagai perangkat mini yang praktis antara lain telepon seluler dan komputer jinjing. Kemajuan lain di bidang senjata puncaknya berupa peluru kendali proyektil nuklir yang dapat menjangkau jarak separoh planet bumi. Kemajuan teknologi ruang angkasa ialah suksesnya pendaratan wahana manusia di planet Mars dan keberhasilan manusia menjejakkan kaki di bulan.
Jaman edan terdiri dari bagian yang bagaikan dua sisi mata uang, sisi yang satu yakni jaman luar biasa, jaman modern dan sisi lainnya ialah jaman gila. Manusia berjingkrak jingkrak dan bertingkah gila menjadi tontonan di media layar kaca dan di atas panggung dengan imbalan besar, di pihak lain para sponsor dari perusahaan besar membiayai semua yang edan-edan itu dengan imbalan iklan bagi produk yang mereka hasilkan agar semakin dibeli banyak orang.
Jaman luar biasa atau jaman modern yang menghasilkan kemajuan di bidang komunikasi ialah telepon seluler, di mana-mana orang bicara sendirian, tertawa sendirian, dan kadang-kadang teriak sendirian padahal di seberang sana tidak terdengar suara sahutan dari telepon seluler yang sedang diajak bicara.
Peperangan antarnegara, maraknya kiprah para teroris atau pejuang dan berbagai kejahatan semakin aneh-aneh saja: membuang bayi, mutilasi, mabuk narkotika dan zat adiktif, dan sebagainya. Juga cara berpakaian kaum lelaki memakai perhiasan kaum wanita contohnya pakai anting-anting, atau wanita pakai celana laki-laki dan seterusnya. Juga kaum wanita kini berkat emansipasi telah berhasil menduduki jabatan tinggi di segala bidang sehingga menggeser peran pria yang berakibat semakin kehilangan peluangnya dalam dunia kerja.
Kemajuan teknologi pada suatu ketika akan mencapai titik kenyang sebagaimana Marx memprediksinya, "kapitalisme sedang menggali lubang kuburnya sendiri." Untuk mengelakkan kehancuran maka solusi yang biasanya digunakan ialah meletuskan perang dunia agar industri senjata dapat bergiat kembali. Untuk saat sekarang Amerika Serikat menciptakan tokoh teroris dan selanjutnya menjadi target buruannya, semua itu demi terus jayanya roda perkembangan kapital milik mereka.
Sejak negeri sosialis pertama di dunia Sovyet Uni berdiri melalui Revolusi Oktober 1917, maka negeri kapitalis diam-diam bekerja sama dengan fasis Jerman Hitler untuk membendung kemajuan Sovyet Uni. Kegagalan Jerman dalam perang dunia kedua menyerang Rusia mengakibatkan Amerika Serikat berbalik memukul Jerman bersama-sama Sovyet Uni. Dan pada gilirannya Amerika dan sekutunya berkampanye untuk melenyapkan negeri Sosialis pertama itu dalam perang dunia dingin. Sovyet Uni berantakan terpecah-pecah menjadi republik-republik mandiri.
Semua itu berlangsung berkat kemajuan teknologi senjata yang luar biasa di jaman luarbiasa (edan).
Perubahan pola berpikir dan berperilaku umat manusia terus mengalami perkembangannya dan di satu sisi peranan agama yang dominan membendung perilaku aneh-aneh dan edan, dan di sisi lain manusia dihadapkan pada godaan atau kebutuhan terhadap barang-barang mewah hasil industri antara lain mobil mewah, pakaian mewah, alat-alat komunikasi mahal dan seterusnya, dan semuanya itu membutuhkan dana untuk membelinya.
Sang Buddha mengatakan, "segala sesuatu yang berupa barang berharga atau kekayaan adalah sumber daripada penderitaan manusia di dunia."
"Pancen wolak-waliking jaman, amenangi jaman edan, ora edan ora kumanan, sing waras padha nggagas, wong tani padha ditaleni, wong dora padha ura-ura, beja-bejane sing lali, isih beja kang eling lan waspadha," kata Joyoboyo. Maka ramai orang ikut-ikutan melakukan perbuatan edan seperti mengkorup uang negara agar ikut kebagian menikmati harta dan pangkat maupun wanita.
Di Nusantara para pegawai di masa Orde Baru melakukan berbagai korupsi besar-besaran yang menghasilkan trilyader dari sebagian rakyat Nusantara, dan juga menghasilkan kaum miskin-papa dalam jumlah jutaan orang. Padahal kekayaan alam Nusantara tidak terbatas jumlahnya dan seharusnya dapat membikin ratusan juta rakyat hidup gemah ripah loh jinawi. Yang terjadi kemudian akibat ekonom Orde Baru berupa menggunungnya utang negara yang harus dilunasi anak cucu sampai tujuhpuluh turunan.
Lebih lanjut lagi di era reformasi yang dimulai sejak Orde Baru ambruk di dewan perwakilan rakyat yang terhormat terjadi perkelahian mulut dan anggota tubuh antar sesama anggota dewan sendiri. Mereka digaji dengan uang rakyat salah satunya untuk menunjukkan perilaku yang santun.
Untuk solusi mengakhiri jaman edan itulah sang prabu Joyoboyo menyebutkan "notonogoro" yang artinya bisa berbagai macam, dan salah satunya antara lain, "menata kembali daripada segala kekacauan yang terjadi di jaman edan." Siapapun yang mampu menata kembali jaman edan yang puncaknya adalah meletusnya besar-besaran kekacauan di jagad bumi manusia dan jagad alam semesta. Dan selanjutnya sang "notonogoro" menciptakan atmosfir baru bagi terbentukkan tatanan dunia baru dan memimpin Nusantara memasuki "jaman baru".
Notonegoro dalam arti yang lain ialah sekumpulan suku kata nama pemimpin Nusantara yang kelak memerintah di jaman baru yang berbentuk kerajaan. Sah-sah saja jika sukukata notonogoro juga dipergunakan untuk akhiran nama pemimpin negara Nusantara yang berbentuk selain kerajaan, yakni dalam negara republik saat ini.
Divination Sixth Joyoboyo "Kodok Ijo Ongkang-Ongkang"
Indonesian Communist Party shattered overnight, even without one United States troops here appear to intervene directly. In Vietnam there at the same time U.S. forces had more than half a million troops to work hard to intervene directly in people eradicate the communist Vietcong. American business is not too successfully overcome the Vietnamese tunnel rat that famous. Not just with military force, also parachuted into the battle field Vietnam all kinds of modern weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons are intended to eradicate all humans communist Vietnam. United States military forces failed to face the communist troops vietnam, because people are superior to the communist Vietnamese -- Bung Karno's people communist Indonesia are still was awakened by the character of the nation. Uncle Ho or Ho Chi Minh more successfully build character and nation of the people of Vietnam. Uncle Ho received help from neighbors familiar People's Republic of China is commanded by Comrade Mao Dong Dze is famous in China led the Red Army managed to defeat the forces of Chiang Kaishek, Kuomintang support of the United States.
Do not forget the central role of Zhou Enlai, the Prime Minister
of China who was mentioned earlier a member of the Communist Party
chairman Mao's China than the approximately 1921. Comrade Zhou and Uncle
Ho's close relationship particularly when Vietnam need moral and
material support in keeping the military forces attack the United States
winning the second world war, its power no doubt.
Divination sixth Joyoboyo, "kodok ijo ongkang-ongkang" can mean to
power the green can also mean green leaf or green diamonds. Green
diamond is a symbol of military clothing army. Green leaves mean the
flag of one country in the Arabian peninsula, Saudi Arabia, a symbol of
the Islamic world.
Green frog noises from its air bag and heard, "oooong .... kaaaang,
Oong ... ong .... kang kang ......". The sound of the frog was in
floods of the rainy season is very noisy and low, even thousands of
green frogs gathered before it is dark to sing the symphony orchestra,
"ong-ong-kang-kang" fill the silence of the night soaked by flooding or
continuous rain. The frog was so noisy broadcast voice sonority with an
aim to attract the opposite sex married.
Without water there is abundant space in the garden or in your
backyard or on the moor, then there would come a frog green and
low-noise throughout the night to play the symphony of nature. Blood
flooding caused by the September 1965 military army invited down to the
arena to take over power in the archipelago of Bung Karno's hand trying
to make a balance between the PKI and AD.
Naturally green AD it became the dominant force in the archipelago
and to support the new ruler General Suharto of fascist and
authoritarian so successfully in power for four tiger to make people
think and do Nusantara uniform in his life. Want to try your mind and
other voice, prize prison. If somewhat mild guilt will get prize
"called" Koramil or Kodim. There may "bogem mentah" or not it is another
matter again.
The period of the regime "kodok ijo ongkang ongkang" does not mean
the military mainly just take it easy AD only, not. AD actually work
hard to keep the latent danger of communists who had just defeated by
the Army itself. Communist being annihilated down to its roots thanks to
the magic spell of General Soeharto, "annihilated out until seven
generations" who is involved communist, always working hard to prevent
the rise of communism in the archipelago country that turned into a
country dependent since the entry of foreign capital due to capital by
opening the tap of General Soeharto, who make people worship him in part
able to make the people prosperous.
But too bad the slogan "beware the dangers latent communist" was
too much sung during General Suharto to power. Yet it was clear bin
obvious communist ruined not have any power, scaring the people at large
about the dangers of communist jargon that's just empty. It's time to
talk you know. Whether their current strength of 2010. The ends of
intimidation and terror to the people, and the edges again Father of
Development continued to elect and be elected President.
King Joyoboyo nearly a thousand years ago had predicted the
arrival of new military rulers a green dress, that is AD. The story of
the ruling came after the civil war in the archipelago in, "Pitik sacks
cage fighting." After the frog no longer has arose a new regime called
regime reform. What happened, "green frogs, bangkak frogs, percil frogs,
tree frogs, and other", busy again make itself heard without barriers
come from anywhere. And the end of that freedom is an endless debate to
highlight his own opinion that is not necessarily true.
Ramalan Keenam Joyoboyo:
Kodok Ijo Ongkang-Ongkang
Partai Komunis Indonesia hancur berantakan dalam semalam, bahkan tanpa seorang pun pasukan Amerika Serikat nongol di sini untuk turun tangan langsung. Di Vietnam sana di waktu yang bersamaan pasukan Amerika Serikat sudah lebih dari setengah juta pasukan bekerja keras turun tangan langsung dalam membasmi orang-orang komunis Vietcong. Usaha Amerika itu tidak juga berhasil mengatasi terowongan tikus orang Vietnam yang tersohor itu. Tidak cukup dengan pasukan militer, juga ikut diterjunkan ke medan pertempuran Vietnam segala jenis senjata modern, senjata kimia, senjata biologi semua saja ditujukan untuk membasmi manusia komunis Vietnam. Pasukan militer Amerika Serikat gagal menghadapi pasukan komunis vietnam, karena orang-orang komunis Vietnam lebih unggul daripada orang-orang komunis Indonesia yang masih dibangunkan oleh Bung Karno nasion dan character rakyatnya. Paman Ho atau Ho Chi Minh lebih berhasil membangun character dan nation rakyat Vietnam. Paman Ho mendapat bantuan dari tetangga akrabnya Republik Rakyat Tiongkok yang dikomandani Kawan Mao Dze Dong yang masyhur dalam memimpin Tentara Merah Tiongkok berhasil mengalahkan pasukan Chiang Kaishek, Kuomintang dukungan Amerika Serikat.
Jangan dilupakan peran sentral Zhou Enlai, Perdana Menteri Tiongkok yang disebut-sebut lebih dulu menjadi anggota Partai Komunis Tiongkok daripada sang ketua Mao sekitar 1921. Kawan Zhou dan Paman Ho dekat sekali hubungannya terutama tatkala Vietnam membutuhkan sokongan moril maupun materil dalam menahan serangan pasukan militer Amerika Serikat pemenang perang dunia kedua, kekuatannya tak diragukan lagi.
Ramalan keenam Joyoboyo, "Kodok ijo ongkang-ongkang" bisa berarti berkuasanya kaum hijau yang juga bisa berarti hijau daun atau hijau berlian. Hijau berlian berarti simbol pakaian militer angkatan darat. Hijau daun berarti bendera salah satu negeri di jazirah Arab, Saudi Arabia simbol dunia Islam.
Kodok ijo mengeluarkan suara dari kantung udaranya dan terdengar, "oooong....kaaaang, oong... kang.....ong....kang.". Suara sang kodok itu di musim banjir penghujan sangat riuh-rendah, bahkan ribuan kodok ijo berkumpul menjelang hari mulai gelap untuk melantunkan orchestra simfoni, "ong-kang-ong-kang" mengisi keheningan malam basah oleh banjir atau hujan terus-menerus. Sang kodok begitu bising memperdengarkan kemerduan suaranya dengan satu tujuan menarik lawan jenisnya untuk dikawininya.
Tanpa ada air melimpah ruang di kebun atau di halaman rumah atau di tegalan, maka tak akan datang kodok ijo dan riuh-rendah sepanjang malam mainkan simfoni alam. Banjir darah akibat gerakan September 1965 mengundang militer angkatan darat turun ke arena untuk mengambil alih kekuasaan di Nusantara dari tangan Bung Karno yang berusaha membikin keseimbangan antara PKI dan AD.
Dengan sendirinya AD yang hijau itu menjadi kekuatan dominan di Nusantara dan mendukung penguasa baru Jendral Suharto yang fasis dan otoriter sehingga berhasil berkuasa selama empat windu untuk membikin rakyat Nusantara seragam berfikir dan berbuat dalam hidupnya. Mau coba pikiran dan suara lain, hadiahnya penjara. Kalau agak ringan kesalahannya akan mendapatkan hadiah "dipanggil" koramil atau kodim. Di sana dapat bogem mentah atau tidak itu lain perkara lagi.
Masa rejim "kodok ijo ongkang-ongkang" tidak berarti militer terutama AD hanya goyang kaki saja, tidak. Justru AD bekerja keras untuk tetap menjaga bahaya laten komunis yang baru saja dikalahkan oleh AD sendiri. Komunis yang tumpas sampai ke akarnya berkat mantra sakti Jendral Soeharto, "tumpas habis sampai tujuh turunan" siapa saja yang terlibat komunis, selalu bekerja keras mencegah bangkitnya komunis di negeri Nusantara yang berubah menjadi negeri tergantung sejak masuknya modal asing akibat dibukanya keran modal oleh Jendral Soeharto yang membikin sebagaian rakyat memujanya mampu membikin rakyat sejahtera.
Akan tetapi sayang sekali slogan "awas bahaya laten komunis" itu terlalu berlebihan dinyanyikan selama Jendral Soeharto berkuasa. Padahal sudah jelas bin gamblang komunis sudah hancur tak punya kekuatan apapun, menakuti rakyat banyak akan bahaya komunis yang cuma jargon kosong itu. Itu bicara waktu itu lho. Entah kekuatan mereka saat ini 2010. Ujung-ujungnya intimidasi dan teror kepada rakyat, dan ujung-ujungnya lagi Bapak Pembangunan itu terus terpilih dan terpilih lagi jadi Presiden RI.
Prabu Joyoboyo hampir seribu tahun yang silam sudah meramalkan datangnya penguasa militer baru berbusana hijau, yakni AD. Ceritanya sang penguasa itu muncul setelah terjadinya perang saudara di Nusantara dalam, "Pitik tarung sak kandang". Setelah sang kodok tidak berkuasa lagi tampillah rejim baru yang disebut rejim reformasi. Apa yang terjadi, "kodok ijo, kodok bangkak, kodok percil, dan kodok pohon, dan lainnya" ramai memperdengarkan suaranya tanpa hambatan lagi datang dari manapun. Dan ujung dari kebebasan itu ialah debat tanpa akhir untuk menonjolkan pendapat sendiri yang belum tentu benar.
Divination second Joyoboyo "Semut ireng anak-anak sapi"
Marcopolo Italian explorers left mainland China in 1292 after living so many years of bringing amazing world news for the continent of Europe. Two hundred years later in 1492 the Italians Christophorus Columbus also landed on the continent of North American Indian nations and preach that the world is round, a round ball.
White Europeans known to be very diligent and tenacious work like black ants, and always drink cow's milk in infancy. They became restless and prepare yourself with a small screen ships nimble and quick so knowing there is news of another major world full of adventure challenge. For years they need to design an armed ship to sail the oceans to find new worlds in search of new raw materials, and the spices from the source directly in the middle east or elsewhere in the world.
Divination Sri Aji Joyoboyo second, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi" has proven true since it was first voiced two hundred years ago counted since Marco Polo arrived in China coincided with the founding of Majapahit.
Majapahit stood in 1293 at the same time that Europeans began to modernize their ships with the help of people like Marco Polo returning from the Orient, especially China with a great story and apply new technological advances in Europe.
Majapahit Kingdom and continental Europe competed to build greatness each with ships are ready to fight in the middle of the ocean, Majapahit was behind the earth rather than continental Europe or America. Later the Europeans managed to enter the territory of Majapahit Nusantara unnecessary fighting the great power of Majapahit as is experiencing internal conflicts that destroy self-paregreg in the war. Strength Southern hemisphere superpower on earth is totally destroyed so that no nation had the chance to deal with whites who came to invade the world.
Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Majapahit supplanted by Islam that does not have a strong navy Majapahit, but they have an army that is not less powerful to that of Majapahit. They came together by the strength of Islam everywhere who stand ready to face the Christian European nations with armed warships difficult conquered everywhere. Who was more superior in the fight? Conflict crusade in Europe and the border with Asia moving into a new world, South Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia and East Asia. China sent troops into southern waters (Nan Yang) is not so strong to help the small kingdoms in the archipelago withstand flash floods European ships. China even play a role in eroding the power of Majapahit so no shield in southern waters are well respected in the past. The strength of China is more focused on maintaining security in the Northern hemisphere. So it is not able to fill the void left Majapahit.
Pope Leo X stifling dissension among the Europeans with Christians gaining new areas in other parts of the world, has become a liability of the Pope to reconcile it with the issue Jus Patronatus or Padroado in 1514. Spain ge sailed to West and Portuguese get sailed to the East.
Two opposing forces Christians who sailed in this direction eventually completely surrounds the world and clashed on the islands of the Philippines, Spain survive in the islands, the Portuguese was thrown into East Timor. Both of them attempt to monitor and keep "wait and see" islands of Maluku spice such as nutmeg, cajuputi oil, and clove.
Meanwhile, there is an other European nations, most industrious "semut ireng": the sea to become land and have milk-producing cows most in the Friesland area, and drank more milk than other nations namely the Dutch. Cornellis de Houtman landed in Batavia or Sunda Kelapa in 1596. The nation's most industrious and orderly administration managed to master the archipelago with the conquering Islamic empire and the remnants of the Majapahit kingdom fractions: Makassar, Kalimantan, Aceh, Bali, Papua and Nusa Tenggara. This is the arrival of foreign nations that have been predicted by Sri Aji Joyoboyo hundred years earlier, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi."
The Dutch controlled the archipelago during the last three hundred fifty years, and coincided with the arrival of displaced Joyoboyo forecast fourth, "Kejajah saumur jagung karo wong cebol kepalang" aka the Japanese.
1998 fall of the New Order, at the same time also the time period beginning kalabendu or kolobendu entering the final round, and in conjunction with the arrival of the third millennium was imminent. Islamic religion that has lasted for fifteen centuries it is said will remain victorious until the end of time ie until the Day of Resurrection, is now facing problems with the superpower United States who are hunting terrorists and hardline Islamic fundamentalists, also means both are entering the final round time kolobendu as predicted by the King Joyoboyo who lived a thousand years ago.
1998 Orde Baru jatuh, bersamaan pula saat itu periode jaman kalabendu atau kolobendu memasuki awal babak akhir, dan bersamaan dengan datangnya milenium ketiga yang sudah di ambang pintu. Agama Islam yang sudah bertahan selama limabelas abad itu konon akan tetap berjaya hingga akhir jaman yakni sampai hari kiamat, kini sedang menghadapi masalah dengan negara adidaya Amerika Serikat yang sedang memburu teroris garis keras dan fundamentalis Islam, berarti juga sama-sama sedang memasuki babak akhir jaman kolobendu seperti yang diramalkan oleh sang prabu Joyoboyo yang hidup seribu tahun yang silam.
Pertanyaan yang selalu mengusik siapa pun ialah kapankah babak akhir jaman kolobendu itu? Menurut sang prabu dari kerajaan Kediri itu, "Di jaman kalabendu manusia Nusantara akan selamat jika selalu mawas diri dan tidak sekali-sekali meremehkan orang yang membela kebenaran bagaikan manusia-dewa." Sedangkan waktu yang tepat berakhirnya kolobendu sampai awal datangnya jaman kalasuba ialah berbeda-beda prosesnya dalam masing-masing bidang.
Kolobendu bisa berarti jaman antitesis yakni tesis-tesis memasuki fase siklus selanjutnya, antitesis atau pertarungan atau pertempuran dalam segala hal, sehingga jaman kolobendu berarti jaman pertarungan dalam segala bidang, pertarungan antarnegara, persaingan kekuatan militer, pertempuran ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat, pertempuran budaya, pertempuran ekonomi, pertarungan ideologi, pertikaian umat beragama, pertempuran kelas sosial, persaingan mode, dan seterusnya. Kelak setelah berlalunya jaman antitesis atau jaman kolobendu akan memasuki jaman kesempurnaan atau jaman sintesis yang disebut oleh sang prabu Joyoboyo sebagai jaman kolosubo atau kalasuba.
Jaman kesempurnaan dalam soal lingkungan hidup itu bisa digambarkan kelak setelah minyak bumi habis dan bahan bakar ramah lingkungan berhasil ditemukan umat manusia, sehingga polusi dunia mencapai angka nol. Juga di sektor industri ditemukan bahan-bahan yang ramah lingkungan, sampai pengelolaan sampah nuklir berhasil dikelola dengan baik. Dan seterusnya, juga di bidang lainnya mencapai kesempurnaan.
Jadinya wajar-wajar saja sekarang ini di Nusantara terjadi gonjang-ganjing yang parah tatkala memasuki akhir jaman kolobendu. Nusantara adalah pusat atau punjer atau pancer dunia dari mana segala peristiwa di jagad bumi manusia berawal dan berakhir, juga hal lainnya selalu terpicu dari tempat ini.
Kolonialisme mulai dikibarkan oleh bangsa kulit putih pada abad kelimabelas karena dipicu untuk memburu rempah-rempah yang berasal dari Nusantara langsung dari sumbernya. Pada awal milenium ketiga perburuan terorisme Islam fundamentalis dan garis keras yang dicanangkan Amerika Serikat sejak gedung kembar di jantung Amerika diruntuhkan pada 2001 juga karena penduduk Nusantara merupakan muslim terbesar di jagad raya.
The development history of Java and the archipelago in the future is predicted in the form of poetry which preceded his time predictions by a fortune-telling of the eleventh century, Joyoboyo.** Since the first island of Java, which can also mean that the archipelago has a rich natural, abundant mineral in the bowels of the earth, the inhabitants abundant in one day will face disaster constantly, among others, in the form of flash floods, volcanic eruptions. The spread of population from the island of Java, the archipelago is very rapid progress since the white people in power in the archipelago that requires manpower to open new areas for oil palm plantations, among others, coffee, spices. As well as the administrative power of the colonial government as well as members of foreign military forces.
Natural disasters are something that is common to nature which also has the power to live and be bound by scientific laws and the supernatural. Natural uncomfortable with all sorts of human activities to reach the highest peak in the field of science and technology so that natural advantage with efficient and intensive, but unfortunately only to satisfy man's own interests without ever respecting the nature.
The future depicted by the life of Javanese people who work and live in circles in a winnowing tray. Winnowing is a container of woven bamboo-shaped flat round 66 cm diameter. Winnowing can be used to separate the rice and rice bran and rice stalks. You do this by turning the container it counter-clockwise or vice versa. If counter-clockwise point to collect the lighter objects right in the middle. And if the point in a clockwise direction to separate object light to the edge of winnowing.
So the Java / Archipelago always scattered in all directions outside the region and in the overseas thrust precisely due to limited living space. But one time at the feast they returned to the land of their ancestors. And so on the movement exactly with rice or rice that is being circles in a winnowing tray for which the original may collect rice / not rice and what is right bran / not bran.
At the time of the new order thinking as defined by the uniformity imposed ruler occur ranging from elementary school children to academics with a doctorate. Nobody else hummed rhythm, the scholars, monks, priests, and ascetics or paranormal is the same no courage to express "piwulang adi" or doctrine or science of truth. Because the new order did not hesitate to kill or imprison anyone who harass the goods of security and public order act and think differently by authorities, either directly or indirectly. The number of victims of the new order multiplied times the number of casualties in the Vietnam war the local population plus the Korean war.
Currently, the government of SBY happen "banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi......" mountain could erupt without previously thought, even without any instructions in the exact sciences as well as in a dream. Also in SBY era of mass organizations so hated "kebathinan" streams that undergo behavior "pati geni" aka "ngelmu" in various ways, among others, excessive fasting indefinitely. Mass organizations are acting according to the message sponsor, the sponsor was afraid his identity uncovered a dark blemish on the new order "marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti." SBY is not the source of causation of natural disasters right now but the new order was and all that remains character holding power culprit of all this (as well as the Lapindo mudflow) -- according to the poem Joyoboyo.
Colonial scientists who brought to his country and further learn from the books of the ancient heritage of the ancestors Nusantara was formulated that defeat centuries make the Javanese archipelago nation to undergo the punishment and pain behavior in order to gain strength and supernatural powers. Unfortunately history is not as complete terms and as freely as before the arrival of white colonialists, ie during the Majapahit, Mataram, Demak, Kediri, Singosari, Srivijaya, and so on. So all , suffering, and torment that made it always hit the wall thickness due to the shift of the ancient books that belonged to a foreign nation.
** polahe wong Jawa kaya gabah diinteri
endi sing bener endi sing sejati
para tapa padha ora wani
padha wedi ngajarake piwulang adi
salah-salah anemani pati
banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi
gunung njeblug tan anjarwani, tan angimpeni
gehtinge kepathi-pati marang pandhita kang oleh pati geni
marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti
Ramalan kedua Joyoboyo
"Semut ireng anak-anak sapi"
Marcopolo penjelajah Italia pada 1292 meninggalkan daratan Tiongkok setelah bermukim sekian tahun membawa berita dunia menakjubkan bagi benua Eropa. Duaratus tahun kemudian 1492 Christophorus Columbus juga orang Italia mendarat di benua milik bangsa Indian Amerika Utara dan mengabarkan bahwa dunia berbentuk bulat, bundar bola.
Bangsa Eropa berkulit putih terkenal sangat rajin dan ulet bekerja bagai semut hitam, dan selalu meminum susu sapi sejak bayi. Mereka mulai gelisah dan menyiapkan diri dengan kapal-kapal layar kecil gesit dan cepat begitu mengetahui kabar ada dunia besar lain penuh tantangan petualangan. Bertahun-tahun mereka perlukan mendesign kapal yang dipersenjatai untuk mengarungi samudera menemukan dunia baru dalam rangka mencari bahan mentah baru, dan rempah-rempah dari sumbernya langsung di dunia Timur atau di belahan dunia lain.
Ramalan Sri Aji Joyoboyo kedua, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi" telah terbukti kebenarannya sejak pertama kali dikumandangkan duaratus tahun yang silam dihitung sejak Marco Polo tiba di Tiongkok bersamaan waktunya dengan berdirinya Majapahit.
Ramalan Sri Aji Joyoboyo kedua, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi" telah terbukti kebenarannya sejak pertama kali dikumandangkan duaratus tahun yang silam dihitung sejak Marco Polo tiba di Tiongkok bersamaan waktunya dengan berdirinya Majapahit.
Majapahit berdiri 1292 bersamaan waktunya bangsa Eropa mulai memodernisasi kapal-kapal laut mereka dengan bantuan orang semacam Marcopolo yang kembali dari negeri Timur terutama Tiongkok dengan membawa cerita hebat kemajuan teknologi baru dan menerapkannya di Eropa.
Majapahit dan benua Eropa berlomba membangun kebesaran masing-masing dengan kapal-kapal laut yang siap bertempur di tengah samudera, Majapahit berada di balik bumi daripada benua Eropa maupun Amerika. Kelak bangsa Eropa berhasil memasuki wilayah Majapahit Nusantara tak perlu berperang menghadapi kekuatan hebat Majapahit karena sedang mengalami konflik intern yang menghancurkan diri-sendiri dalam perang paregreg. Kekuatan adidaya di bumi belahan Selatan itu hancur sama sekali sehingga tidak pernah berkesempatan menghadapi bangsa kulit putih yang datang untuk menginvasi dunia.
Hindu-Buddha Majapahit tergusur oleh kerajaan Islam yang tidak memiliki angkatan laut yang sekuat Majapahit, akan tetapi memiliki angkatan darat yang tak kalah hebat dengan milik Majapahit. Mereka berhimpun dengan kekuatan Islam di mana-mana yang siap siaga menghadapi bangsa Eropa Nasrani dengan kapal perang bersenjata yang sulit ditaklukkan di mana-mana. Siapa yang lebih unggul dalam pertarungan itu? Konflik perang salib di Eropa dan perbatasan dengan Asia berpindah ke dunia baru, Asia Selatan, Afrika, Amerika Latin, dan Asia Tenggara serta Asia Timur. Pasukan Tiongkok yang dikirimkan ke perairan Selatan (Nan Yang) tidak begitu kuat untuk membantu kerajaan-kerajaan kecil di Nusantara menahan banjir bandang kapal-kapal orang Eropa. Tiongkok bahkan berperan dalam merontokkan kekuatan Majapahit sehingga tak ada tameng di perairan Selatan yang cukup disegani di masa sebelumnya. Kekuatan Tiongkok lebih dipusatkan untuk menjaga keamanan di belahan bumi Utara. Sehingga tidak mampu mengisi kekosongan yang ditinggalkan Majapahit.
Paus Leo X gerah dengan pertikaian sesama bangsa Eropa Nasrani memperebutkan daerah baru di belahan dunia lain, sudah menjadi kewajiban Sri Paus untuk mendamaikan hal tersebut dengan mengeluarkan Jus Patronatus atau Padroado pada 1514. Spanyol mendapat bagian berlayar ke Barat dan Portugis mendapat bagian berlayar ke Timur.
Dua kekuatan Nasrani yang berlayar berlawanan arah ini akhirnya benar-benar mengelilingi dunia dan bentrok di kepulauan Philipina, Spanyol bertahan di kepulauan tersebut, Portugis terlempar ke Timor Timur. Dua-duanya berusaha memantau dan tetap "wait and see" kepulauan Maluku penghasil rempah-rempah antara lain pala, minyak kayuputih, dan cengkeh.
Sementara itu ada sebuah bangsa Eropa lain, semut ireng paling rajin bekerja: membendung laut untuk dijadikan daratan dan memiliki sapi penghasil susu paling banyak di daerah Friesland, dan meminum susunya lebih banyak daripada bangsa lain yakni bangsa Belanda. Cornellis de Houtman mendarat di Batavia atau Sunda Kelapa pada 1596. Bangsa yang paling rajin dan tertib administrasinya ini berhasil menguasai wilayah Nusantara dengan menaklukkan kerajaan Islam dan sisa-sisa pecahan kerajaan Majapahit: Makasar, Kalimantan, Aceh, Bali, Papua, dan Nusa Tenggara. Inilah kedatangan bangsa asing yang sudah diramalkan oleh Sri Aji Joyoboyo limaratus tahun sebelumnya, "semut ireng anak-anak sapi".
Belanda bertahan menguasai Nusantara selama tigaratus limapuluh tahun, dan terusir bersamaan waktunya dengan kedatangan ramalan Joyoboyo keempat, "kejajah saumur jagung karo wong cebol kepalang" alias bangsa Jepang.
Divination Joyoboyo "era Kalasuba"
1998 fall of the New Order, at the same time also the time period beginning kalabendu or kolobendu entering the final round, and in conjunction with the arrival of the third millennium was imminent. Islamic religion that has lasted for fifteen centuries it is said will remain victorious until the end of time ie until the Day of Resurrection, is now facing problems with the superpower United States who are hunting terrorists and hardline Islamic fundamentalists, also means both are entering the final round time kolobendu as predicted by the King Joyoboyo who lived a thousand years ago.
The question that always bothered anyone is when will the round
end times kolobendu it? According to the King of the Kediri kingdom
that, "In the era of kalabendu, human Archipelago
will be safe if it always introspective and occasionally do not
underestimate the people who defend the truth like a man-god." While the
exact time to the early arrival of the kalasuba and the end of kolobendu era different is the process in their respective fields.
Iki dalan kanggo sing eling lan waspada
ing jaman kalabendu Jawa
aja nglarang dalem ngleluri wong apengawak dewa
ing jaman kalabendu Jawa
aja nglarang dalem ngleluri wong apengawak dewa
could mean the era that is antithetical theses entering the next phase
of the cycle, the antithesis or the fight or battle in every way, so
that means the era of era kolobendu fight in every field, the battle
between nations, military power rivalry, the battle of science and
philosophy, cultural battle, battle economic, ideological battles,
religious strife, a battle of social classes, competition mode, and so
on. Soon after the passage of time or era antithesis kolobendu will
enter the era of era of perfection or synthesis is called by the King
Joyoboyo as kolosubo or kalasuba era.
Era of excellence in environmental problem that could be described soon
after the oil runs out and environmentally friendly fuel found the
human race, thus achieving zero pollution world. Also in the industrial
sector found materials-friendly environment, to nuclear waste management
successfully managed properly. And so on, also in other fields to reach
It makes perfectly natural now in the archipelago occurred which broke
down badly when he entered the end times kolobendu. Archipelago is the
center or punjer or pancer
world where all events in the universe of human earth begins and ends,
as well as other things are always triggered from this place.
began flown by white people in the fifteenth century because it was
triggered to hunt down the spice that comes from the archipelago
directly from the source. At the beginning of the third millennium of
Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and the hunt for extremists who planned
the United States since the twin building in the heart of America also
torn down in 2001 because of the archipelago is the largest Muslim
population in the universe.
led by Prime Minister Amir Sjarifoeddin socialist-communist in the
early days of independence also trigger the United States entered the
black mud of defeat in war East Asia: the Korean War, Vietnam War /
Indochina to eliminate the socialist-communist country.
Archipelago and China are like two sides of the coin of the world face
from the past. Roman-greek culture has never triumphed in the ocean
compared to the Majapahit and China. If Roman and Islamic reign
victorious in the ocean then they have mastered the world without any
Ramalan Joyoboyo "jaman Kalasuba"
1998 Orde Baru jatuh, bersamaan pula saat itu periode jaman kalabendu atau kolobendu memasuki awal babak akhir, dan bersamaan dengan datangnya milenium ketiga yang sudah di ambang pintu. Agama Islam yang sudah bertahan selama limabelas abad itu konon akan tetap berjaya hingga akhir jaman yakni sampai hari kiamat, kini sedang menghadapi masalah dengan negara adidaya Amerika Serikat yang sedang memburu teroris garis keras dan fundamentalis Islam, berarti juga sama-sama sedang memasuki babak akhir jaman kolobendu seperti yang diramalkan oleh sang prabu Joyoboyo yang hidup seribu tahun yang silam.
Pertanyaan yang selalu mengusik siapa pun ialah kapankah babak akhir jaman kolobendu itu? Menurut sang prabu dari kerajaan Kediri itu, "Di jaman kalabendu manusia Nusantara akan selamat jika selalu mawas diri dan tidak sekali-sekali meremehkan orang yang membela kebenaran bagaikan manusia-dewa." Sedangkan waktu yang tepat berakhirnya kolobendu sampai awal datangnya jaman kalasuba ialah berbeda-beda prosesnya dalam masing-masing bidang.
iki dalan kanggo sing eling lan waspada
ing zaman kalabendu Jawa
aja nglarang dalem ngleluri wong apengawak dewa
ing zaman kalabendu Jawa
aja nglarang dalem ngleluri wong apengawak dewa
Kolobendu bisa berarti jaman antitesis yakni tesis-tesis memasuki fase siklus selanjutnya, antitesis atau pertarungan atau pertempuran dalam segala hal, sehingga jaman kolobendu berarti jaman pertarungan dalam segala bidang, pertarungan antarnegara, persaingan kekuatan militer, pertempuran ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat, pertempuran budaya, pertempuran ekonomi, pertarungan ideologi, pertikaian umat beragama, pertempuran kelas sosial, persaingan mode, dan seterusnya. Kelak setelah berlalunya jaman antitesis atau jaman kolobendu akan memasuki jaman kesempurnaan atau jaman sintesis yang disebut oleh sang prabu Joyoboyo sebagai jaman kolosubo atau kalasuba.
Jaman kesempurnaan dalam soal lingkungan hidup itu bisa digambarkan kelak setelah minyak bumi habis dan bahan bakar ramah lingkungan berhasil ditemukan umat manusia, sehingga polusi dunia mencapai angka nol. Juga di sektor industri ditemukan bahan-bahan yang ramah lingkungan, sampai pengelolaan sampah nuklir berhasil dikelola dengan baik. Dan seterusnya, juga di bidang lainnya mencapai kesempurnaan.
Jadinya wajar-wajar saja sekarang ini di Nusantara terjadi gonjang-ganjing yang parah tatkala memasuki akhir jaman kolobendu. Nusantara adalah pusat atau punjer atau pancer dunia dari mana segala peristiwa di jagad bumi manusia berawal dan berakhir, juga hal lainnya selalu terpicu dari tempat ini.
Kolonialisme mulai dikibarkan oleh bangsa kulit putih pada abad kelimabelas karena dipicu untuk memburu rempah-rempah yang berasal dari Nusantara langsung dari sumbernya. Pada awal milenium ketiga perburuan terorisme Islam fundamentalis dan garis keras yang dicanangkan Amerika Serikat sejak gedung kembar di jantung Amerika diruntuhkan pada 2001 juga karena penduduk Nusantara merupakan muslim terbesar di jagad raya.
Nusantara yang dipimpin Perdana Menteri sosialis-komunis Amir Sjarifoeddin pada masa awal kemerdekaan juga memicu Amerika Serikat masuk lumpur hitam kekalahan besar pada perang Asia Timur: Perang Korea, Perang Vietnam/Indocina untuk melenyapkan negeri sosialis-komunis.
Nusantara dan Tiongkok bagaikan dua sisi mata uang wajah dunia sejak masa silam. Kebudayaan romawi-yunani tidak pernah berjaya di lautan dibandingkan Majapahit dan Tiongkok. Andaikata Romawi maupun kekalifahan Islam jaya di lautan maka mereka sudah menguasai dunia tanpa halangan apapun.
Nusantara dan Tiongkok bagaikan dua sisi mata uang wajah dunia sejak masa silam. Kebudayaan romawi-yunani tidak pernah berjaya di lautan dibandingkan Majapahit dan Tiongkok. Andaikata Romawi maupun kekalifahan Islam jaya di lautan maka mereka sudah menguasai dunia tanpa halangan apapun.
Divination Joyoboyo "Natural disasters Nusantara"
The development history of Java and the archipelago in the future is predicted in the form of poetry which preceded his time predictions by a fortune-telling of the eleventh century, Joyoboyo.** Since the first island of Java, which can also mean that the archipelago has a rich natural, abundant mineral in the bowels of the earth, the inhabitants abundant in one day will face disaster constantly, among others, in the form of flash floods, volcanic eruptions. The spread of population from the island of Java, the archipelago is very rapid progress since the white people in power in the archipelago that requires manpower to open new areas for oil palm plantations, among others, coffee, spices. As well as the administrative power of the colonial government as well as members of foreign military forces.
Natural disasters are something that is common to nature which also has the power to live and be bound by scientific laws and the supernatural. Natural uncomfortable with all sorts of human activities to reach the highest peak in the field of science and technology so that natural advantage with efficient and intensive, but unfortunately only to satisfy man's own interests without ever respecting the nature.
The future depicted by the life of Javanese people who work and live in circles in a winnowing tray. Winnowing is a container of woven bamboo-shaped flat round 66 cm diameter. Winnowing can be used to separate the rice and rice bran and rice stalks. You do this by turning the container it counter-clockwise or vice versa. If counter-clockwise point to collect the lighter objects right in the middle. And if the point in a clockwise direction to separate object light to the edge of winnowing.
So the Java / Archipelago always scattered in all directions outside the region and in the overseas thrust precisely due to limited living space. But one time at the feast they returned to the land of their ancestors. And so on the movement exactly with rice or rice that is being circles in a winnowing tray for which the original may collect rice / not rice and what is right bran / not bran.
At the time of the new order thinking as defined by the uniformity imposed ruler occur ranging from elementary school children to academics with a doctorate. Nobody else hummed rhythm, the scholars, monks, priests, and ascetics or paranormal is the same no courage to express "piwulang adi" or doctrine or science of truth. Because the new order did not hesitate to kill or imprison anyone who harass the goods of security and public order act and think differently by authorities, either directly or indirectly. The number of victims of the new order multiplied times the number of casualties in the Vietnam war the local population plus the Korean war.
Currently, the government of SBY happen "banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi......" mountain could erupt without previously thought, even without any instructions in the exact sciences as well as in a dream. Also in SBY era of mass organizations so hated "kebathinan" streams that undergo behavior "pati geni" aka "ngelmu" in various ways, among others, excessive fasting indefinitely. Mass organizations are acting according to the message sponsor, the sponsor was afraid his identity uncovered a dark blemish on the new order "marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti." SBY is not the source of causation of natural disasters right now but the new order was and all that remains character holding power culprit of all this (as well as the Lapindo mudflow) -- according to the poem Joyoboyo.
Colonial scientists who brought to his country and further learn from the books of the ancient heritage of the ancestors Nusantara was formulated that defeat centuries make the Javanese archipelago nation to undergo the punishment and pain behavior in order to gain strength and supernatural powers. Unfortunately history is not as complete terms and as freely as before the arrival of white colonialists, ie during the Majapahit, Mataram, Demak, Kediri, Singosari, Srivijaya, and so on. So all , suffering, and torment that made it always hit the wall thickness due to the shift of the ancient books that belonged to a foreign nation.
** polahe wong Jawa kaya gabah diinteri
endi sing bener endi sing sejati
para tapa padha ora wani
padha wedi ngajarake piwulang adi
salah-salah anemani pati
banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi
gunung njeblug tan anjarwani, tan angimpeni
gehtinge kepathi-pati marang pandhita kang oleh pati geni
marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti
Post-goro-goro big hit the planet (among other things: end of the earth, the great war, world war, the attacks fall of celestial bodies, natural disasters constantly) and the recovery of the universe the earth like a normal human being to be normal again, the ratu adil aka Satrio Piningit aka Satrio pinanditho sinisihan revelation was accompanied by the latest incarnation or reincarnation Sabdo Palon would appear to lead the glory and the earth south of the archipelago with a population of people of color. While the white and yellow-skinned people are not into his affairs. Similarly, when greeting Sabdo Palon first appeared after disappearing for five hundred years since the collapse of Majapahit.
According forecast Joyoboyo tangent emergence "ratu adil" aka Satrio Piningit and also appropriate greeting Palon Sabdo above its two prominent leader of the archipelago is a single bi-complementary to each other and not contradict each other. Task or role is to hold Sabdo Palon a "fit and propher test" against Satrio Piningit. Since the first appeared Sabdo Palon already provides the empty throne chair, and anyone who could sit on it then he would be appointed as king. As an illustration of the modern state structure Sabdo Palon will act as a "judicial" and "legislative", Satrio Piningit reign "executive".
Sabdo Palon indeed have emerged but the Satrio Piningit not yet exist or have not advanced to the front Sabdo Palon. Why? Satrio Piningit not received a divine revelation or supernatural revelation "pulung keprabon" because it had not arrived at the right time. When and where the existence and potential Satrio Piningit and Sabdo Palon have not been found as long as they do not arise because of large or large-goro goro has not happened. In Karl Marx's and V.I. Lenin theory of revolutionary leader, "the leadership will come when all the people were ready to bring about a revolution." The leader of the revolution will not announce when to start a revolution, it is the people who feel their lives too miserable and no longer trust the state. That's when a leader comes forth to the front to lead the people that have been mature about to evolve.
Here are the verses that describe the emergence of Satrio Piningit that were raised by the King Sri Aji Joyoboyo from Kediri in the eleventh century AD:
Later towards the closing years sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu. It would appear that the gods down to earth a human form (Satrio Piningit).
Ramalan Joyoboyo bencana alam Nusantara
Perkembangan sejarah Jawa dan Nusantara di masa depan sudah diprediksi dalam bentuk syair ramalan yang mendahului jamannya oleh seorang nujum abad kesebelas, Joyoboyo.** Sejak dulu pulau Jawa yang bisa juga berarti Nusantara memiliki alam yang subur, melimpah bahan tambang di dalam perut bumi, penduduk yang melimpah pada suatu hari akan menghadapi bencana terus-menerus antara lain berupa banjir bandang, letusan gunung berapi. Penyebaran penduduk dari pulau Jawa ke wilayah Nusantara yang sangat pesat berlangsung sejak bangsa kulit putih berkuasa di Nusantara yang membutuhkan tenaga manusia untuk membuka daerah baru antara lain untuk perkebunan sawit, kopi, rempah-rempah. Juga sebagai tenaga administratif pemerintah kolonial maupun sebagai anggota pasukan militer asing.
Bencana alam memang sesuatu yang lumrah bagi alam yang juga memiliki daya hidup dan terikat dengan hukum ilmiah maupun gaib. Alam jengah dengan segala macam ulah manusia yang berhasil mencapai puncak tertinggi dalam bidang ilmu dan teknologi sehingga memanfaatkan alam dengan efisien dan intensif, akan tetapi sayangnya hanya untuk memuaskan kepentingan manusia sendiri tanpa pernah menghormati sang alam.
Masa depan yang digambarkan dengan kehidupan orang Jawa yang bekerja dan hidup berputar-putar saja dalam tampah. Tampah adalah wadah dari anyaman bambu berbentuk datar bulat berdiameter 66 cm. Tampah bisa digunakan untuk memisahkan beras dan kulit padi maupun padi dengan tangkai padi. Caranya dengan memutar wadah itu berlawanan arah jarum jam maupun sebaliknya. Jika berlawanan arah jarum jam gunanya untuk mengumpulkan benda yang lebih ringan tepat di tengah. Dan jika searah jarum jam gunanya untuk memisahkan benda yang ringan ke bagian pinggir tampah.
Maka orang Jawa/Nusantara selalu bertebaran ke segala arah merantau dan dalam perantauan justru berdesak-desakan akibat terbatasnya ruang hidup. Akan tetapi suatu kali pada hari raya mereka kembali ke tanah leluhurnya. Dan begitulah seterusnya gerakan tersebut persis dengan beras atau padi yang sedang diinteri dalam tampah agar dapat terkumpul mana yang asli beras/pada dan mana yang benar dedak/kulit padi.
Pada jaman orde baru penyeragaman berpikir sesuai definisi yang dipaksakan penguasa terjadi mulai dari anak sekolah dasar hingga para akademisi bergelar doktor. Tak seorang pun mendendangkan irama lain, para alim ulama, biksu, pendeta, dan pertapa atau paranormal pun sama saja tidak berani mengungkapkan "piwulang adi" atau ajaran atau ilmu yang sebenar-benarnya. Karena orde baru tidak segan-segan membunuh atau memenjarakan barang siapa pun yang mengusik keamanan dan ketertiban bertindak maupun berpikir berbeda dengan penguasa baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Jumlah korban orde baru berlipat kali lipat jumlah korban penduduk setempat dalam perang Vietnam ditambah perang Korea.
Saat ini masa pemerintahan SBY terjadi "banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi......" gunung meletus tanpa dapat diduga sebelumnya, bahkan tanpa petunjuk apapun dalam eksakta maupun dalam impian. Juga di jaman SBY para organisasi massa begitu membenci aliran-aliran kebathinan yang menjalani laku "pati geni" alias ngelmu dengan berbagai cara antara lain puasa berlebihan tanpa batas waktu. Ormas tersebut bertindak sesuai pesan sponsor, sang sponsor takut jatidirinya yang kelam terbongkar belangnya di masa orde baru "marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti". Pemerintahan SBY bukan sumber sebab-akibat bencana alam sekarang ini akan tetapi orde baru lah dan semua yang masih menggendong watak kekuasaannya biang keladi semua ini (juga lumpur Lapindo) -- sesuai syair Joyoboyo tersebut.
Para ilmuwan kolonial yang memboyong ke negerinya dan selanjutnya belajar dari kitab-kitab kuno warisan para leluhur Nusantara memang merumuskan bahwa kekalahan berabad bangsa Nusantara membikin orang Jawa menjalani laku siksa dan derita guna memperoleh kekuatan dan kesaktian. Sayang sekali syarat sejarah tidaklah selengkap dan sebebas sebelum kedatangan kaum kolonialis kulit putih, yaitu semasa Majapahit, Mataram, Demak, Kediri, Singosari, Sriwijaya, dan seterusnya. Sehingga segala ngelmu, derita, dan siksa yang dilakukan itu selalu membentur tembok tebal akibat beralihnya kitab-kitab kuno itu menjadi milik bangsa asing.
** polahe wong Jawa kaya gabah diinteri
endi sing bener endi sing sejati
para tapa padha ora wani
padha wedi ngajarake piwulang adi
salah-salah anemani pati
banjir bandang ana ngendi-endi
gunung njeblug tan anjarwani, tan angimpeni
gehtinge kepathi-pati marang pandhita kang oleh pati geni
marga wedi kapiyak wadine sapa sira sing sayekti
Divination Joyoboyo "Satrio Piningit--Sabdo Palon"
Post-goro-goro big hit the planet (among other things: end of the earth, the great war, world war, the attacks fall of celestial bodies, natural disasters constantly) and the recovery of the universe the earth like a normal human being to be normal again, the ratu adil aka Satrio Piningit aka Satrio pinanditho sinisihan revelation was accompanied by the latest incarnation or reincarnation Sabdo Palon would appear to lead the glory and the earth south of the archipelago with a population of people of color. While the white and yellow-skinned people are not into his affairs. Similarly, when greeting Sabdo Palon first appeared after disappearing for five hundred years since the collapse of Majapahit.
According forecast Joyoboyo tangent emergence "ratu adil" aka Satrio Piningit and also appropriate greeting Palon Sabdo above its two prominent leader of the archipelago is a single bi-complementary to each other and not contradict each other. Task or role is to hold Sabdo Palon a "fit and propher test" against Satrio Piningit. Since the first appeared Sabdo Palon already provides the empty throne chair, and anyone who could sit on it then he would be appointed as king. As an illustration of the modern state structure Sabdo Palon will act as a "judicial" and "legislative", Satrio Piningit reign "executive".
Sabdo Palon indeed have emerged but the Satrio Piningit not yet exist or have not advanced to the front Sabdo Palon. Why? Satrio Piningit not received a divine revelation or supernatural revelation "pulung keprabon" because it had not arrived at the right time. When and where the existence and potential Satrio Piningit and Sabdo Palon have not been found as long as they do not arise because of large or large-goro goro has not happened. In Karl Marx's and V.I. Lenin theory of revolutionary leader, "the leadership will come when all the people were ready to bring about a revolution." The leader of the revolution will not announce when to start a revolution, it is the people who feel their lives too miserable and no longer trust the state. That's when a leader comes forth to the front to lead the people that have been mature about to evolve.
Here are the verses that describe the emergence of Satrio Piningit that were raised by the King Sri Aji Joyoboyo from Kediri in the eleventh century AD:
selet-selete yen mbesuk ngancik tutuping tahun
sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu
bakal ana dewa ngejawantah
apengawak manungsa
sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu
bakal ana dewa ngejawantah
apengawak manungsa
Later towards the closing years sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu. It would appear that the gods down to earth a human form (Satrio Piningit).
Pasca goro-goro besar melanda planet bumi (antara lain terjadi kiamat bumi, perang besar, perang dunia, serangan jatuhnya benda angkasa, badai matahari, bencana alam terus-menerus) dan pulihnya jagad bumi manusia seperti sediakala menjadi normal kembali maka tatkala itulah akan tampil ke depan memimpin rakyat Nusantara: sang Ratu Adil sejati atau yang lebih populer ngepop disebut "satrio piningit", "satria piningit", ataupun "satrio pinandito sinisihan wahyu". Sang pemimpin yang memang adil bijaksana ini akan didampingi titisan atau reinkarnasi terbaru Sabdo Palon yang berwujud dalam wadag/tubuh seorang manusia dan bukan dalam wujud sebagai makhluk halus, mereka berdua dan bersama bahu-membahu tampil guna memimpin kejayaan Nusantara dan bumi selatan yang berpenduduk bangsa kulit berwarna. Sedangkan bangsa kulit putih dan bangsa berkulit kuning bukan menjadi urusan beliau. Demikian garis besar ucapan langsung dan asli Sabdo Palon tatkala muncul pertama kali setelah menghilang selama limaratus tahun sejak runtuhnya Majapahit. Sebagai catatan: Sabdo Palon limaratus tahun yang silam merupakan tokoh penasihat prabu Brawijaya. Sedangkan Sabdo Palon pada era 70-an ini seorang rakyat biasa yang menjadi guru spiritual bagi kalangan terbatas akibat blokade Orde Baru.
Sesuai ramalan Joyoboyo bersinggungan munculnya sang Ratu Adil atau yang populer disebut "satria piningit" atau "satrio piningit" dan juga sesuai menurut uga wangsit Prabu Siliwangi tentang pendamping Ratu Adil ("Satrio Piningit") yakni pemuda berjanggut, dan juga sesuai ucapan Sabdo Palon di atas dengan sendirinya kedua tokoh pemimpin Nusantara tersebut adalah dwi-tunggal satu sama lain saling melengkapi dan tidak saling bertentangan. Tugas atau peran Sabdo Palon ialah mengadakan "fit and propher test" terhadap "Ratu Adil" cq satrio piningit. Sejak pertama muncul Sabdo Palon pada era 70-an sudah menyediakan kursi singgasana kosong, dan barang siapa sanggup duduk di atas singgasana kosong itu maka dialah yang layak diangkat sebagai raja. Sebagai gambaran struktur negara modern Sabdo Palon akan berperan sebagai "yudikatif" sekaligus "legislatif", Satrio Piningit (yang dimaksud di sini adalah Ratu Adil) memegang tampuk pemerintahan "eksekutif".
Sabdo Palon memang telah muncul akan tetapi Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" belum ada atau belum maju ke hadapan Sabdo Palon. Mengapa? Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" belum menerima wahyu Illahi atau pulung gaib wahyu keprabon karena memang belum tiba saat yang tepat. Kapan dan di mana keberadaan Sabdo Palon (yang tengah menghilang kembali) dan calon Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" memang belum ditemukan selama mereka belum muncul karena sebab besar atau goro-goro besar belum terjadi. Dalam teori revolusi mbah karl marx dan mbah lenin, "seorang pemimpin akan selalu muncul dengan sendirinya tatkala segenap rakyat sudah siap dan matang untuk mengadakan revolusi." Pemimpin revolusi tidak akan mengumumkan kapan memulai suatu revolusi, rakyatlah yang merasa kehidupannya penuh derita tiada akhir dan negara keterlaluan tetap membiarkan mereka, yakni tak peduli pada keadaan yang menyengsarakan bagi rakyat, sehingga pada akhirnya rakyat tidak lagi mempercayai negara. Tatkala itulah seorang pemimpin bakal tampil maju ke depan untuk memimpin rakyat yang sudah matang hendak mengadakan revolusi.
Berikut ini bait-bait yang menggambarkan kemunculan Ratu Adil "satrio piningit" yang dilontarkan oleh Sang Prabu Sri Aji Joyoboyo dari Kediri pada abad keduabelas masehi (1100-an):
Kelak menjelang tutup tahun sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu (1988 Saka atau 2066 Masehi). Akan muncul dewa turun ke bumi yang berwujud seorang manusia (Ratu Adil yang secara populer disebut "Satrio Piningit").
Java is the most tolerant nation in the archipelago in 1928 youth oath would not require Java language as a language of unity. Though more than fifty per cent population of the archipelago using the Java language. Why? That excess nation Java in a matter of tolerance. Yet other nations in the archipelago nation is often mocked as the nation's Java-so, this and that.
The only royal Javanese people who simply exist until the beginning of the third millennium in the unitary state of Indonesia is Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat Kingdom or the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It had been predicted by the astrologers Joyoboyo famous with his poem as follows:
A later period there was a king who has the charisma and warrior but only one-eighth part of its territory only. Preview age at the time it happened bribery heavily in all areas. People who received bad character everywhere and people who are honest even hated by everyone. Tin is considered to be a silver shiny white, instead of glittering gold and precious look just assessed the extent of copper.
Sultanate of Yogyakarta which is now in terms of total area is thus exactly the same since the Dutch colonial period in 1755, when it signed the agreement Gianti by the colonial and the palace Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. And a total area of Yogyakarta province was compared as a whole broader Java then obtained the number one in eight or Yogyakarta broad saprowolon Java, thus forecast Joyoboyo already proved for the umpteenth time.
Services Keraton of Yogyakarta on the proclamation of independence and maintain independence during the unquestioning support of the Republic of Indonesia which is still full of red baby.
Back at the nation's tolerance of Java that is very unusual, it likewise be done by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta in support of the Republic of Indonesia to this day. Even for the sake of tolerance that is also Yogyakarta Sultanate of armed soldiers old and also personnel have on the elderly and do not regenerate anymore. That is a form of cultural symbol of loyalty Sultanate to the Unitary, and Java for that nation has never felt the need to ask respected by other peoples of the archipelago.
Small Planet Earth has a special role as balancing the natural order of the universe. Why? Because of the earth there are intelligent beings compatriots, namely humans, or homo sapiens. Intelligent creatures who have high intelligence this has the nature of doing good as well as crimes against the planet itself. With the technology that they conquered the atom, as well as new technologies are more environmentally friendly then they will be able to change the size of celestial bodies until a few square kilometers of the planet become unsuitable for habitation and further deplete the mineral wealth of important and valuable if it was brought to earth.
As far as science is so far successfully mastered and is being studied by scientists from various disciplines, that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the direction the discovery of Earth's twin planet, and also other intelligent person in the universe. Are they? The question was more difficult to answer in this modern era, because of the tight academic disciplines in science and technology, as well as in philosophy.
Here is a poem by Sri Aji nuanced prediction Joyoboyo from the eleventh century AD, which recounts the arrival of a fleet of foreign troops ET (extra-terrestrial) from outer space which is quite large and is estimated using a technology that utilizes a comet that has been engineered as an aircraft carrier for a ride their planes. Their goal is expected to restore the position of planet earth humans that are important to balance the universe. Perhaps their arrival it was happening when terrible mess in the earth in the form of large-scale natural disasters due to human activity alone for hundreds of years that directly or indirectly in the end lead to global warming planet Earth.
.... It is said that the arrival of the god-bodied man on the planet Earth someday it has to do and / or marked with a big line movement "lintang kemukus" for seven days and seven nights came from the South Equator toward the East. Despite the fact they kept moving relentless course in the morning when the sun came up on he drowned in the evening, which kept moving celestial body that would not appear from the earth's surface.
Ramalan Joyo Boyo "Satrio Piningit"
Pasca goro-goro besar melanda planet bumi (antara lain terjadi kiamat bumi, perang besar, perang dunia, serangan jatuhnya benda angkasa, badai matahari, bencana alam terus-menerus) dan pulihnya jagad bumi manusia seperti sediakala menjadi normal kembali maka tatkala itulah akan tampil ke depan memimpin rakyat Nusantara: sang Ratu Adil sejati atau yang lebih populer ngepop disebut "satrio piningit", "satria piningit", ataupun "satrio pinandito sinisihan wahyu". Sang pemimpin yang memang adil bijaksana ini akan didampingi titisan atau reinkarnasi terbaru Sabdo Palon yang berwujud dalam wadag/tubuh seorang manusia dan bukan dalam wujud sebagai makhluk halus, mereka berdua dan bersama bahu-membahu tampil guna memimpin kejayaan Nusantara dan bumi selatan yang berpenduduk bangsa kulit berwarna. Sedangkan bangsa kulit putih dan bangsa berkulit kuning bukan menjadi urusan beliau. Demikian garis besar ucapan langsung dan asli Sabdo Palon tatkala muncul pertama kali setelah menghilang selama limaratus tahun sejak runtuhnya Majapahit. Sebagai catatan: Sabdo Palon limaratus tahun yang silam merupakan tokoh penasihat prabu Brawijaya. Sedangkan Sabdo Palon pada era 70-an ini seorang rakyat biasa yang menjadi guru spiritual bagi kalangan terbatas akibat blokade Orde Baru.
Sesuai ramalan Joyoboyo bersinggungan munculnya sang Ratu Adil atau yang populer disebut "satria piningit" atau "satrio piningit" dan juga sesuai menurut uga wangsit Prabu Siliwangi tentang pendamping Ratu Adil ("Satrio Piningit") yakni pemuda berjanggut, dan juga sesuai ucapan Sabdo Palon di atas dengan sendirinya kedua tokoh pemimpin Nusantara tersebut adalah dwi-tunggal satu sama lain saling melengkapi dan tidak saling bertentangan. Tugas atau peran Sabdo Palon ialah mengadakan "fit and propher test" terhadap "Ratu Adil" cq satrio piningit. Sejak pertama muncul Sabdo Palon pada era 70-an sudah menyediakan kursi singgasana kosong, dan barang siapa sanggup duduk di atas singgasana kosong itu maka dialah yang layak diangkat sebagai raja. Sebagai gambaran struktur negara modern Sabdo Palon akan berperan sebagai "yudikatif" sekaligus "legislatif", Satrio Piningit (yang dimaksud di sini adalah Ratu Adil) memegang tampuk pemerintahan "eksekutif".
Sabdo Palon memang telah muncul akan tetapi Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" belum ada atau belum maju ke hadapan Sabdo Palon. Mengapa? Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" belum menerima wahyu Illahi atau pulung gaib wahyu keprabon karena memang belum tiba saat yang tepat. Kapan dan di mana keberadaan Sabdo Palon (yang tengah menghilang kembali) dan calon Ratu Adil "Satrio Piningit" memang belum ditemukan selama mereka belum muncul karena sebab besar atau goro-goro besar belum terjadi. Dalam teori revolusi mbah karl marx dan mbah lenin, "seorang pemimpin akan selalu muncul dengan sendirinya tatkala segenap rakyat sudah siap dan matang untuk mengadakan revolusi." Pemimpin revolusi tidak akan mengumumkan kapan memulai suatu revolusi, rakyatlah yang merasa kehidupannya penuh derita tiada akhir dan negara keterlaluan tetap membiarkan mereka, yakni tak peduli pada keadaan yang menyengsarakan bagi rakyat, sehingga pada akhirnya rakyat tidak lagi mempercayai negara. Tatkala itulah seorang pemimpin bakal tampil maju ke depan untuk memimpin rakyat yang sudah matang hendak mengadakan revolusi.
Berikut ini bait-bait yang menggambarkan kemunculan Ratu Adil "satrio piningit" yang dilontarkan oleh Sang Prabu Sri Aji Joyoboyo dari Kediri pada abad keduabelas masehi (1100-an):
selet-selete yen mbesuk ngancik tutuping tahun
sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu
bakal ana dewa ngejawantah
apengawak manungsa
sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu
bakal ana dewa ngejawantah
apengawak manungsa
Kelak menjelang tutup tahun sinungkalan dewa wolu, ngasta manggalaning ratu (1988 Saka atau 2066 Masehi). Akan muncul dewa turun ke bumi yang berwujud seorang manusia (Ratu Adil yang secara populer disebut "Satrio Piningit").
Divination Joyoboyo "negarane ambane saprawolon"
Java is the most tolerant nation in the archipelago in 1928 youth oath would not require Java language as a language of unity. Though more than fifty per cent population of the archipelago using the Java language. Why? That excess nation Java in a matter of tolerance. Yet other nations in the archipelago nation is often mocked as the nation's Java-so, this and that.
The only royal Javanese people who simply exist until the beginning of the third millennium in the unitary state of Indonesia is Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat Kingdom or the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. It had been predicted by the astrologers Joyoboyo famous with his poem as follows:
Banjur ana Ratu duwe pengaruh lan duwe prajurit
Negarane ambane saprawolon
Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra
Wong jahat ditampa
Wong suci dibenci
Timah dianggep perak
Emas diarani tembaga
Negarane ambane saprawolon
Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra
Wong jahat ditampa
Wong suci dibenci
Timah dianggep perak
Emas diarani tembaga
A later period there was a king who has the charisma and warrior but only one-eighth part of its territory only. Preview age at the time it happened bribery heavily in all areas. People who received bad character everywhere and people who are honest even hated by everyone. Tin is considered to be a silver shiny white, instead of glittering gold and precious look just assessed the extent of copper.
Sultanate of Yogyakarta which is now in terms of total area is thus exactly the same since the Dutch colonial period in 1755, when it signed the agreement Gianti by the colonial and the palace Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. And a total area of Yogyakarta province was compared as a whole broader Java then obtained the number one in eight or Yogyakarta broad saprowolon Java, thus forecast Joyoboyo already proved for the umpteenth time.
Services Keraton of Yogyakarta on the proclamation of independence and maintain independence during the unquestioning support of the Republic of Indonesia which is still full of red baby.
Back at the nation's tolerance of Java that is very unusual, it likewise be done by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta in support of the Republic of Indonesia to this day. Even for the sake of tolerance that is also Yogyakarta Sultanate of armed soldiers old and also personnel have on the elderly and do not regenerate anymore. That is a form of cultural symbol of loyalty Sultanate to the Unitary, and Java for that nation has never felt the need to ask respected by other peoples of the archipelago.
Sri Aji Joyoboyo since he was in the womb is to unite the two kingdoms became Kediri, Joyoboyo baby rather than the story of Romeo and Juliet from Java land between the Crown Daha and Jenggala namely Raden Panji (Inu Kertapati) and Dewi Sekartaji. During Joyoboyo flare as the King of Kediri, the power and influence covers half of the archipelago. At that time also Javanese culture reached its height in the field of literature and art. The books of the Mahabharata and Ramayana was translated into Old Javanese language.
Sri Aji Joyoboyo also a famous fortune-teller who is recognized for centuries. And one that is considered unreasonable because it has not proven true is that doomsday predictions about the year 2100 Saka or 2022 AD. Since Java land filled by men for the second time during the 700 years the first, 700 second year, third year and 700 will experience a different era every hundred years. Kalabendu era, Kalasuba era, and so will end in 2022 and there was a doomsday or a different turn of a new era in 2100 compared to the previous year. After doomsday or apocalypse or replace a new era was the island of Java will be filled in humans for the third time.
The Maya calendar in Latin America will also expire in December 2012, and there also will be doomsday, purification of the earth, or enter a new era. Also in Europe according to Nostradamus will experience the same thing. Other Europe, Other Latin America, and so too the island of Java. Each of these three places are experiencing a new era at different times, and because different then what happens is not the end of the scale.
Doomsday massive by modern science would happen if the sun's energy nuclear fuel runs out, and have calculated the experts will run out tens of billions of years. Another with Nasa's calculations (United States space agency) that the apocalypse is not great when the hurricane is nearest the sun in the 2090's or even the occurrence of a meteor shower around 2050's. Solar storms and meteor showers have a negative impact on life on earth in the percentage of approximately 0.001%.
Global warming due to industrialization and the use of fossil fuels could be a change at all coming naturally all sorts of doomsday predictions above. As a result of human activity are absorbed by modern technology and modern super science that the coming of Judgement Day could have every time and every place will occur apocalypse respectively. Changed to extreme weather and natural disasters caused endless forests on earth. The work done by all kinds ranging from the UN world body to Green Peace was evident not be able to stop global warming itself, until one day when the doomsday of the earth, which will automatically stop all human activity and also restore the situation becomes normal again.
Ramalan Joyoboyo "negarane ambane saprawolon"
Bangsa Jawa yang paling toleran di Nusantara dalam sumpah pemuda 1928 tidak mau menuntut Bahasa Jawa sebagai bahasa persatuan. Padahal lebih dari limapuluh prosen penduduk Nusantara menggunakan bahasa Jawa. Mengapa? Itulah kelebihan bangsa Jawa dalam soal toleransi. Walaupun demikian bangsa lainnya di Nusantara sering mengejek bangsa Jawa sebagai bangsa anu, ini, dan itu.
Satu-satunya kerajaan bangsa Jawa yang cukup eksis hingga awal milenium ketiga dalam negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia ialah Kerajaan Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat atau Kasultanan Yogyakarta. Hal itu sudah diprediksi oleh Sang nujum masyhur Joyoboyo dengan syairnya sebagai berikut:
Banjur ana Ratu duwe pengaruh lan duwe prajurit
Negarane ambane saprawolon
Tukang mangan suap saya ndadra
Wong jahat ditampa
Wong jahat ditampa
Wong suci dibenci
Timah dianggep perak
Emas diarani tembaga
Suatu masa kelak ada seorang raja yang berkharisma dan memiliki prajurit akan tetapi wilayahnya cuma seperdelapan bagian saja. Gambaran jaman di masa itu terjadi suap-menyuap besar-besaran dalam segala bidang. Orang yang berwatak jahat diterima di mana-mana dan orang yang jujur malah dibenci semua orang. Timah yang putih mengkilap dianggap perak, sebaliknya emas yang berkilauan dan berharga tampak cuma dinilai sebatas tembaga.
Kasultanan Yogyakarta yang sekarang ini dalam hal luas wilayahnya sudah demikian persis sama sejak masa kolonial Belanda yakni pada 1755, saat itu ditandatangi perjanjian Gianti oleh pihak kolonial dan pihak keraton Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat. Dan luas wilayah provinsi Yogyakarta itu dibandingkan luas Pulau Jawa secara keseluruhan maka didapatkan angka satu banding delapan atau luas Yogyakarta saprowolon Pulau Jawa, dengan demikian ramalan Joyoboyo sudah terbukti untuk kesekian kalinya.
Jasa keraton Yogyakarta di masa proklamasi kemerdekaan dan pada masa mempertahankan kemerdekaan tidak perlu diragukan lagi mendukung penuh Republik Indonesia yang masih bayi merah.
Kembali pada toleransi bangsa Jawa yang sangat luarbiasa, hal demikian juga dilakukan oleh Kasultanan Yogyakarta dalam mendukung Republik Indonesia sampai hari ini. Bahkan demi toleransi yang itu juga prajurit Kasultanan Yogyakarta yang bersenjata tua dan juga personilnya sudah pada berusia lanjut dan tidak dilakukan regenerasi lagi. Itulah lambang budaya wujud kesetiaan Kasultanan terhadap NKRI, dan untuk itu bangsa Jawa tidak pernah merasa perlu minta dihargai oleh bangsa lain di Nusantara.
Divination Joyoboyo "Doomsday" 2022
Sri Aji Joyoboyo since he was in the womb is to unite the two kingdoms became Kediri, Joyoboyo baby rather than the story of Romeo and Juliet from Java land between the Crown Daha and Jenggala namely Raden Panji (Inu Kertapati) and Dewi Sekartaji. During Joyoboyo flare as the King of Kediri, the power and influence covers half of the archipelago. At that time also Javanese culture reached its height in the field of literature and art. The books of the Mahabharata and Ramayana was translated into Old Javanese language.
Sri Aji Joyoboyo also a famous fortune-teller who is recognized for centuries. And one that is considered unreasonable because it has not proven true is that doomsday predictions about the year 2100 Saka or 2022 AD. Since Java land filled by men for the second time during the 700 years the first, 700 second year, third year and 700 will experience a different era every hundred years. Kalabendu era, Kalasuba era, and so will end in 2022 and there was a doomsday or a different turn of a new era in 2100 compared to the previous year. After doomsday or apocalypse or replace a new era was the island of Java will be filled in humans for the third time.
The Maya calendar in Latin America will also expire in December 2012, and there also will be doomsday, purification of the earth, or enter a new era. Also in Europe according to Nostradamus will experience the same thing. Other Europe, Other Latin America, and so too the island of Java. Each of these three places are experiencing a new era at different times, and because different then what happens is not the end of the scale.
Doomsday massive by modern science would happen if the sun's energy nuclear fuel runs out, and have calculated the experts will run out tens of billions of years. Another with Nasa's calculations (United States space agency) that the apocalypse is not great when the hurricane is nearest the sun in the 2090's or even the occurrence of a meteor shower around 2050's. Solar storms and meteor showers have a negative impact on life on earth in the percentage of approximately 0.001%.
Global warming due to industrialization and the use of fossil fuels could be a change at all coming naturally all sorts of doomsday predictions above. As a result of human activity are absorbed by modern technology and modern super science that the coming of Judgement Day could have every time and every place will occur apocalypse respectively. Changed to extreme weather and natural disasters caused endless forests on earth. The work done by all kinds ranging from the UN world body to Green Peace was evident not be able to stop global warming itself, until one day when the doomsday of the earth, which will automatically stop all human activity and also restore the situation becomes normal again.
Ramalan Joyoboyo "Hari Kiamat" 2022
Sri Aji Joyoboyo sejak masih dalam kandungan sudah mempersatukan dua kerajaan yang terpisah oleh sebuah sungai yang masih misterius* menjadi Kediri. Joyoboyo buah hati daripada kisah Romeo dan Juliet dari Tanah Jawa antara Putra Mahkota Jenggala dan Daha yakni Raden Panji (Inu Kertapati) dan Dewi Sekartaji. Semasa Joyoboyo marak sebagai Raja Kediri, wilayah kekuasaan dan pengaruhnya meliputi separoh Nusantara. Pada masa itu juga kebudayaan Jawa mencapai puncaknya di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, sastra, dan seni. Kitab-kitab dari Mahabarata dan Ramayana diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Jawa Kuno.
Sri Aji Joyoboyo juga seorang nujum masyhur yang diakui selama berabad-abad. Dan salah satu yang dianggap tidak masuk akal karena belum terbukti kebenarannya ialah prediksi mengenai hari kiamat pada tahun 2100 atau 2022 Masehi. Sejak Tanah Jawa diisi oleh manusia untuk kedua kalinya maka selama 700 tahun pertama, 700 tahun kedua, dan 700 tahun ketiga akan mengalami jaman-jaman berbeda tiap seratus tahun. Jaman Kalabendu, jaman Kalasuba, dan seterusnya akan berakhir pada 2022 dan terjadilah kiamat atau pergantian jaman baru yang berbeda dibandingkan 2100 tahun sebelumnya. Setelah hari akhir atau kiamat atau ganti jaman baru itu maka Pulau Jawa akan diisi manusia untuk ketiga kalinya.
Kalender Suku Maya di Amerika Latin juga akan berakhir pada Desember 2012, dan di sana pun akan terjadi kiamat, pemurnian bumi, atau memasuki jaman baru. Juga di Eropah menurut Nostradamus akan mengalami hal yang sama. Lain Eropa, lain Amerika Latin, dan lain pula Pulau Jawa. Masing-masing ketiga tempat tersebut mengalami jaman baru di waktu yang berbeda, dan karena berbeda maka yang terjadi bukanlah kiamat besar-besaran.
Hari Kiamat besar-besaran menurut ilmu pengetahuan modern akan terjadi jika bahan bakar nuklir energi matahari habis, dan telah dihitung para ahli akan habis puluhan milyar tahun lagi. Lain lagi dengan perhitungan Nasa (badan antariksa Amerika Serikat) bahwa kiamat tidak besar terdekat ialah saat terjadinya badai matahari pada 2090-an atau pun terjadinya hujan meteor sekitar tahun 2050-an. Badai Matahari dan hujan meteor memiliki dampak negatif pada kehidupan di bumi dalam prosentasi sekitar 0,001 %.
Global warming atau pemanasan global akibat industrialisasi dan penggunaan bahan bakar fosil bisa jadi mengubah sama sekali segala macam prediksi alamiah datangnya hari kiamat di atas. Akibat ulah manusia yang asyik dengan teknologi modern dan pengetahuan super modern itu maka datangnya hari kiamat bisa saja setiap waktu dan setiap tempat akan terjadi kiamat masing-masing. Cuaca berubah menjadi ekstrim menimbulkan dampak buruk terbentuknya angin kencang, gelombang tsunami dan juga terjadinya bencana alam yang lain seperti banjir-bandang akibat ulah manusia a.l. habisnya hutan-hutan di bumi. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh segala macam badan dunia mulai dari PBB hingga "Green Peace" tampak jelas tidak akan mampu menghentikan global warming itu sendiri, hingga kelak terjadinya kiamat bumi, yang otomatis akan menghentikan segala ulah manusia dan juga memulihkan keadaan menjadi seperti sediakala kembali.
* Kali Leso, Kali Lekso, atau Sungai Lekso yang dianggap keramat lokasinya di kab. Blitar di jalur Gandusari - waduk Selorejo di wilayah Gunung Kelud merupakan batas Panjalu (Daha) dan Jenggala. Pendapat lain menganggap sungai Porong yang merupakan anak sungai Brantas yang mengalir ke Surabaya, demi mencegah banjir serta mengairi wilayah kurang subur oleh Airlangga dibangun terusan atau Sungai (Porong) membujur ke timur mulai Mojokerto hingga selat Madura serta membatasi Kab. Sidoarjo dan Kab. Pasuruan menjadi titik pangkal perbatasan dua kerajaan, Jenggala mendapatkan wilayah pesisir dan Daha mendapat bagian wilayah pedalaman.
Divination Joyoboyo Extra-Terrestrial Invasion forces on Planet Earth
Small Planet Earth has a special role as balancing the natural order of the universe. Why? Because of the earth there are intelligent beings compatriots, namely humans, or homo sapiens. Intelligent creatures who have high intelligence this has the nature of doing good as well as crimes against the planet itself. With the technology that they conquered the atom, as well as new technologies are more environmentally friendly then they will be able to change the size of celestial bodies until a few square kilometers of the planet become unsuitable for habitation and further deplete the mineral wealth of important and valuable if it was brought to earth.
As far as science is so far successfully mastered and is being studied by scientists from various disciplines, that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the direction the discovery of Earth's twin planet, and also other intelligent person in the universe. Are they? The question was more difficult to answer in this modern era, because of the tight academic disciplines in science and technology, as well as in philosophy.
Here is a poem by Sri Aji nuanced prediction Joyoboyo from the eleventh century AD, which recounts the arrival of a fleet of foreign troops ET (extra-terrestrial) from outer space which is quite large and is estimated using a technology that utilizes a comet that has been engineered as an aircraft carrier for a ride their planes. Their goal is expected to restore the position of planet earth humans that are important to balance the universe. Perhaps their arrival it was happening when terrible mess in the earth in the form of large-scale natural disasters due to human activity alone for hundreds of years that directly or indirectly in the end lead to global warming planet Earth.
sadurunge ana tetenger lintang kemukus lawa
ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan bener
lawase pitung bengi,
parak esuk bener ilange
bethara surya njumedhul
ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan bener
lawase pitung bengi,
parak esuk bener ilange
bethara surya njumedhul
.... It is said that the arrival of the god-bodied man on the planet Earth someday it has to do and / or marked with a big line movement "lintang kemukus" for seven days and seven nights came from the South Equator toward the East. Despite the fact they kept moving relentless course in the morning when the sun came up on he drowned in the evening, which kept moving celestial body that would not appear from the earth's surface.
Konon kedatangan dewa berbadan manusia itu di planet Bumi kelak itu ada hubungannya dan atau ditandai dengan pergerakan barisan besar "lintang kemukus" selama tujuh hari tujuh malam berasal dari Selatan Khatulistiwa menuju ke Timur. Walau sebenarnya mereka terus bergerak tiada henti tentu saja di pagi hari tatkala sang mentari muncul sampai pada ia tenggelam di petang hari, benda angkasa yang terus bergerak itu tak akan tampak dari permukaan bumi.
Fatal error made by the leftist socialists, communists, democrats and democracy in the archipelago is on the cabinet Amir Syarifoeddin circa 1947-48 that restores the mandate of Parliamentary power to lead the first cabinet since independence to President Sukarno. It happened due to the Renville Agreement (named U.S. warship) is no longer supported by the Party Masjoemi. Masjoemi or Masjumi Renville originally supported then opposed the agreement and pioneered a vote of no confidence to the Cabinet Amir Sjarifoeddin derived from the Socialist Party.
Amir Sjarifoeddin the Prime Minister who felt emotional on the attitude of one party's coalition with the emotional surrender power without a second thought anymore, so consequently he later became scapegoats as the party leader left / socialist who is hated by the United States. Communist Party leader Amir and ten were killed by the rulers who succeeded him. Substitute Cabinet Amir S. Mohammad Hatta cabinet is anti-communist, so fully supported by Islamic party and other smaller parties. The left should be removed from the cabinet Hatta road ReRa various engineering, among others, and also menghijrahkan Siliwangi right strength to the base area of Central Java and East Java.
Joyoboyo prophecies about ratu ora netepi janji is a party that does not keep their promises. The ruling party and opposition parties in the order of this reform act was always reneged on his promise, whatever was said during the campaign was always his promise was never kept. That character anyone who came to power, whether he was a militant activist and defender of the oppressed if it has entered the circle of power he will not dare to defend the oppressed people. Why? "It was just a matter of the stomach," said Pramoedya Ananta Toer, who also make the law as follows: "Anyone who has successfully swept to power or even to become government officials, then do not expect he will fight for the oppressed!"
Therefore the ruling party during the New Order will never again be trusted by the people. Because later on, despite feeling a new party, the party turned out to different behavior still glorify the fascist New Order and the authoritarian ruling party leader as well as elsewhere in the world: Hosni Mubarak, Gaddafi, Pinochet, Marcos, and so on so that after in power for decades in a row finally overthrown by the people, although it is coupled with the intervention of a superpower that deploy military forces and intelligence.
Here is a temple of Sri Aji Joyoboyo hitherto known as a powerful shaman comes from the kingdom of Kediri in power nearly two-thirds of the archipelago covers the eleventh century AD:
A future prospective leaders / representatives of the people make promises to the people while campaigning, but once elected leaders / representatives of the people reneged on a promise. They were later discredited by the people, then would lose the position and authority. Later there will be a skyscraper at the ground floor is made without a horse carriage parked car alias. Humans consist of class exploiters and the exploited class. Those who are in the position of the vacuum can benefit their business rather than processing iron into luxury goods, and also logs into high value goods / furniture. They enjoyed the high profits from these businesses cakes taste delicious. But the man who was always so busy thinking about how to profit even more so working late into the night and difficult to sleep.
Ramalan Joyoboyo: Invasi pasukan alien UFO terhadap Planet Bumi
Planet Bumi yang mungil memiliki peran istimewa sebagai penyeimbang tatanan alam semesta raya. Mengapa? Karena di bumi terdapat sebangsa makhluk cerdas, yakni manusia, atau homo sapiens. Makhluk cerdas yang memiliki intelijensi tinggi ini memiliki kodrat berbuat kebaikan sekaligus kejahatan terhadap planet sendiri. Dengan teknologi atom yang mereka kuasai, maupun teknologi baru yang lebih ramah lingkungan maka kelak mereka mampu mengubah benda angkasa yang berukuran beberapa kilometer persegi sampai sebesar planet menjadi layak huni dan selanjutnya menguras kekayaan yang berupa bahan tambang penting dan berharga jika dibawa ke bumi.
Sejauh ilmu pengetahuan yang sampai saat ini berhasil dikuasai maupun sedang dipelajari oleh para ilmuwan dari berbagai disiplin ilmu, bahwa belum ada bukti apapun yang menunjang ke arah ditemukannya planet kembaran bumi, dan juga sosok cerdas lain di alam semesta. Adakah mereka? Pertanyaan itu semakin sulit dijawab di jaman modern ini, karena ketatnya disiplin akademis dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, maupun dalam ilmu filsafat.
Berikut ini ada sebuah syair bernuansa ramalan oleh Sri Aji Joyoboyo dari abad kesebelas masehi yang mengisahkan kedatangan armada pasukan asing ET (extra-terrestrial) dari angkasa luar yang jumlahnya cukup besar dan diperkirakan menggunakan teknologi yang memanfaatkan komet yang sudah direkayasa sebagai kapal induk bagi tumpangan pesawat-pesawat mereka. Tujuan mereka diperkirakan untuk mengembalikan kedudukan planet bumi manusia yang penting bagi keseimbangan alam semesta. Barangkali kedatangan mereka itu tatkala sedang terjadi kekacauan dahsyat di bumi berupa bencana alam skala besar akibat ulah manusia sendiri selama ratusan tahun yang langsung maupun tak langsung pada akhirnya menimbulkan terjadinya global warming (pemanasan global planet Bumi).
sadurunge ana tetenger lintang kemukus lawa
ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan bener
lawase pitung bengi,
parak esuk bener ilange
bethara surya njumedhul
ngalu-ngalu tumanja ana kidul wetan bener
lawase pitung bengi,
parak esuk bener ilange
bethara surya njumedhul
Konon kedatangan dewa berbadan manusia itu di planet Bumi kelak itu ada hubungannya dan atau ditandai dengan pergerakan barisan besar "lintang kemukus" selama tujuh hari tujuh malam berasal dari Selatan Khatulistiwa menuju ke Timur. Walau sebenarnya mereka terus bergerak tiada henti tentu saja di pagi hari tatkala sang mentari muncul sampai pada ia tenggelam di petang hari, benda angkasa yang terus bergerak itu tak akan tampak dari permukaan bumi.
Divination Joyoboyo "a broken promise party"
Fatal error made by the leftist socialists, communists, democrats and democracy in the archipelago is on the cabinet Amir Syarifoeddin circa 1947-48 that restores the mandate of Parliamentary power to lead the first cabinet since independence to President Sukarno. It happened due to the Renville Agreement (named U.S. warship) is no longer supported by the Party Masjoemi. Masjoemi or Masjumi Renville originally supported then opposed the agreement and pioneered a vote of no confidence to the Cabinet Amir Sjarifoeddin derived from the Socialist Party.
Amir Sjarifoeddin the Prime Minister who felt emotional on the attitude of one party's coalition with the emotional surrender power without a second thought anymore, so consequently he later became scapegoats as the party leader left / socialist who is hated by the United States. Communist Party leader Amir and ten were killed by the rulers who succeeded him. Substitute Cabinet Amir S. Mohammad Hatta cabinet is anti-communist, so fully supported by Islamic party and other smaller parties. The left should be removed from the cabinet Hatta road ReRa various engineering, among others, and also menghijrahkan Siliwangi right strength to the base area of Central Java and East Java.
Joyoboyo prophecies about ratu ora netepi janji is a party that does not keep their promises. The ruling party and opposition parties in the order of this reform act was always reneged on his promise, whatever was said during the campaign was always his promise was never kept. That character anyone who came to power, whether he was a militant activist and defender of the oppressed if it has entered the circle of power he will not dare to defend the oppressed people. Why? "It was just a matter of the stomach," said Pramoedya Ananta Toer, who also make the law as follows: "Anyone who has successfully swept to power or even to become government officials, then do not expect he will fight for the oppressed!"
Therefore the ruling party during the New Order will never again be trusted by the people. Because later on, despite feeling a new party, the party turned out to different behavior still glorify the fascist New Order and the authoritarian ruling party leader as well as elsewhere in the world: Hosni Mubarak, Gaddafi, Pinochet, Marcos, and so on so that after in power for decades in a row finally overthrown by the people, although it is coupled with the intervention of a superpower that deploy military forces and intelligence.
Here is a temple of Sri Aji Joyoboyo hitherto known as a powerful shaman comes from the kingdom of Kediri in power nearly two-thirds of the archipelago covers the eleventh century AD:
ratu ora netepi janji
musna kuwasa lan prabawane
akeh omah ndhuwur kuda
wong padha mangan wong
kayu gligan lan wesi hiya padha doyan
dirasa enak kaya roti bolu
yen wengi padha ora bisa turu
musna kuwasa lan prabawane
akeh omah ndhuwur kuda
wong padha mangan wong
kayu gligan lan wesi hiya padha doyan
dirasa enak kaya roti bolu
yen wengi padha ora bisa turu
A future prospective leaders / representatives of the people make promises to the people while campaigning, but once elected leaders / representatives of the people reneged on a promise. They were later discredited by the people, then would lose the position and authority. Later there will be a skyscraper at the ground floor is made without a horse carriage parked car alias. Humans consist of class exploiters and the exploited class. Those who are in the position of the vacuum can benefit their business rather than processing iron into luxury goods, and also logs into high value goods / furniture. They enjoyed the high profits from these businesses cakes taste delicious. But the man who was always so busy thinking about how to profit even more so working late into the night and difficult to sleep.
Suatu masa para calon pemimpin/wakil rakyat membikin janji pada rakyat sewaktu berkampanye, akan tetapi setelah terpilih menjadi pemimpin/wakil rakyat mengingkari janji. Mereka kemudian tidak dipercaya lagi oleh rakyat, maka akan kehilangan kedudukan dan juga kewibawaan. Kelak akan ada gedung pencakar langit yang pada lantai dasarnya dibuat parkir kereta tanpa kuda alias mobil. Manusia terdiri dari kelas penghisap dan kelas yang dihisap. Mereka yang berada dalam posisi penghisap sudah bisa mendapatkan keuntungan daripada usahanya mengolah besi menjadi barang mewah, dan juga kayu gelondongan menjadi barang yang bernilai tinggi/meubel. Mereka merasa menikmati keuntungan tinggi dari usaha tersebut senikmat rasa kue bolu. Akan tetapi manusia yang demikian sibuk itu selalu memikirkan bagaimana mencari keuntungan lebih banyak lagi sehingga bekerja hingga larut malam dan sulit untuk tidur.
Ramalan Joyoboyo "Partai yang ingkar janji"
Kesalahan fatal yang dibuat oleh golongan kiri yakni kaum sosialis, komunis, dan demokrat kerakyatan di Nusantara ialah pada masa kabinet Amir Syarifoeddin sekitar tahun 1947-48 yang mengembalikan mandat kekuasaan memimpin kabinet Parlementer pertama sejak kemerdekaan kepada Presiden Soekarno. Hal itu terjadi akibat persetujuan Renville (nama kapal perang Amerika Serikat) tidak lagi didukung oleh Partai Masjoemi. Masjoemi atau Masyumi semula mendukung Renville kemudian menentang persetujuan tersebut dan memelopori mosi tidak percaya kepada Kabinet Amir Sjarifoeddin yang berasal dari Partai Sosialis.
Amir Sjarifoeddin sang Perdana Menteri yang merasa emosional atas sikap salah satu partai koalisi tersebut dengan emosional menyerahkan kekuasaannya tanpa pikir panjang lagi, sehingga akibatnya di kemudian hari ia menjadi kambing hitam sebagai pemimpin partai kiri/sosialis yang sangat dibenci oleh Amerika Serikat. Amir dan sepuluh pemimpin PKI dibunuh oleh penguasa yang menggantikannya. Pengganti kabinet Amir S. ialah kabinet Mohammad Hatta yang sepenuhnya antikomunis maka didukung partai Islam dan partai kecil lainnya. Kaum kiri harus disingkirkan dari kabinet Hatta dengan jalan berbagai rekayasa antara lain ReRa, dan juga menghijrahkan kekuatan kanan Siliwangi ke daerah basis Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.
Ramalan Joyoboyo mengenai ratu ora netepi janji ialah partai yang tidak menepati janji. Partai penguasa dan partai oposisi di masa orde reformasi ini memang bertindak selalu mengingkari janjinya, apapun yang diucapkan semasa kampanye ternyata selalu janjinya tidak pernah ditepati. Begitulah watak siapapun yang berhasil meraih kekuasaan, baik ia seorang aktivis militan maupun pembela rakyat tertindas lainnya jika telah masuk lingkaran kekuasaan maka ia tidak akan berani membela rakyat tertindas. Mengapa? "Itu cuma soal perut," kata Pramoedya Ananta Toer, yang juga membikin hukum sebagai berikut, "Siapapun yang sudah sukses meraih kekuasaan atau bahkan cuma menjadi aparat pemerintah, maka jangan diharapkan lagi ia akan berjuang untuk rakyat yang tertindas!"
Oleh karena itulah partai yang berkuasa semasa Orde Baru tidak akan pernah lagi dipercaya oleh rakyat. Karena di belakang hari, walaupun sudah merasa menjadi partai yang baru, partai yang berbeda ternyata tingkah polahnya tetap saja mengagungkan Orde Baru yang fasis dan otoriter seperti juga pemimpin partai berkuasa di belahan dunia lain: Husni Mubarak, Khadafi, Pinochet, Marcos dan seterusnya sehingga setelah berkuasa puluhan tahun berturut-turut akhirnya digulingkan oleh rakyat, walaupun itu dibarengi dengan campur tangan negara adikuasa yang mengerahkan kekuatan militer dan intelijennya.
Berikut ini adalah bait Sri Aji Joyoboyo yang hingga kini dikenal sebagai nujum yang ampuh berasal dari Kerajaan Kediri yang berkuasa hampir meliputi dua pertiga wilayah Nusantara pada abad kesebelas masehi:
ratu ora netepi janji
musna kuwasa lan prabawane
akeh omah ndhuwur kuda
wong padha mangan wong
kayu gligan lan wesi hiya padha doyan
dirasa enak kaya roti bolu
yen wengi padha ora bisa turu
musna kuwasa lan prabawane
akeh omah ndhuwur kuda
wong padha mangan wong
kayu gligan lan wesi hiya padha doyan
dirasa enak kaya roti bolu
yen wengi padha ora bisa turu
Suatu masa para calon pemimpin/wakil rakyat membikin janji pada rakyat sewaktu berkampanye, akan tetapi setelah terpilih menjadi pemimpin/wakil rakyat mengingkari janji. Mereka kemudian tidak dipercaya lagi oleh rakyat, maka akan kehilangan kedudukan dan juga kewibawaan. Kelak akan ada gedung pencakar langit yang pada lantai dasarnya dibuat parkir kereta tanpa kuda alias mobil. Manusia terdiri dari kelas penghisap dan kelas yang dihisap. Mereka yang berada dalam posisi penghisap sudah bisa mendapatkan keuntungan daripada usahanya mengolah besi menjadi barang mewah, dan juga kayu gelondongan menjadi barang yang bernilai tinggi/meubel. Mereka merasa menikmati keuntungan tinggi dari usaha tersebut senikmat rasa kue bolu. Akan tetapi manusia yang demikian sibuk itu selalu memikirkan bagaimana mencari keuntungan lebih banyak lagi sehingga bekerja hingga larut malam dan sulit untuk tidur.
mbah subowo bin sukaris